Trying to work on a RM rule. I have done this many times before, but for some reason, now I can't.
Below is the screen I get.
I expect that after "While True Repeat" I would get the option to insert the action that is supposed to be repeated, but there is nothing there.
The portion crossed out is the condition.
I expect that I could also save or at least click in the white portion of the screen and get the option to save, but that does not work. Probably because there is no action to save...
I was able to get a test rule into a similar state. When I entered a value in the "minute" field and clicked out of it, I got a "Done" button. I think it's waiting for you to enter something in one of the hours/minutes/seconds boxes.
That might be, but if so, it means the user interface has no consideration for the "Repeat While" action. I want an action to repeat while a condition is true, and stop when the condition is no longer true. Time and quantity of repetitions don't come into play. I don't recall previously having any issue creating this action...
That is it - THANK YOU. I am aging...
So for those of us aging, it would be awesome if the UI gave a bit more info...such as "Interval between repeat attempts - value required" or even if the UI put a red outline on the boxes for entering this data the way many web pages do for a required field, or something to communicate to the user that this specific data is what is required prior to moving on...
You would think that a default delay (e.g., 0.1s) between repeats would be built in to Hubitat to avoid the CPU overload problem, so that the time entry in the command is a true option, not a requirement.
I wouldn't expect that to be the case. Each use case is going to be different, and having a default value that lets the user exit the dialog without making a sensible selection for their repeat interval would only cause different issues.
If I'm repeating a spoken notification or a push alert until a contact closes, I can't imagine where I'd want to do that every .1 second, or 1 second, or even 5 seconds.
I'm sure there's some scenario where someone wants to have the hub repeat an action every .1 second, but I can't think of one myself.