Repeat Actions with Custom Attribute (TESLA)

Im attempting to clean this rule up and try and figure out a better way.

Does anyone see a better way to write this rule?

The warning is dependent on modes and presence to the home.
The Virtual Switch (Tesla Tire) is an Alexa announcement in the home.

Triggers: IF ANY Tesla Tire is below 32 psi of Air pressure.

Goals: IF someone is home and the mode is NOT(Sleeptime):
ON: Virtual Switch (Tesla Tire)
Notify: JTs Phone
ON: Tesla Warning Connector

IF someone is home and mode is (Sleeptime) then:
Notify: JTs Phone
ON: Tesla Warning Connector

IF noone is home then:
Notify: JTs Phone

One thing I would do if remove the Required expression. It adds no value over the trigger.

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