Reopening the clipboard clearing request

I am in the process of cleaning my clipboard right now. It is only about two screens of the drop-down but still unwieldy. Let me explain. I have multiple rules that I have copied snippets to other rules that are similarly named. So picking through the list to paste the right information from the right rule is almost as time consuming as recreating the lines from scratch.

I read through this thread and found a couple of things in the arguments against this that I think are flawed.

First, a clipboard on a computer is cleared when the the computer reboots. The Hubitat clipboard remains. I would even settle for it clearing when I reboot the Hubitat - that would at least provide some relief to this issue.

Second, a clipboard on a computer does not keep all copy and cut in the paste buffer. It takes only the last item copied and pasted. I much prefer this approach. Keeping all copied commands.

The comment made was that Hubitat was for Geeks. No doubt, but I think Hubitat would like to appeal to non-geeks as well? And the clipboard appears to be a little over-engineered. Of course if the majority of users post that they do indeed want unlimited clipboard that lasts in perpetuity then I will stand down and just do a better job of clearing my clipboard.

When I am done copying things I always go back to the original rule and clear it :person_shrugging:

So mine is usually empty.

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An easy method to clear[quote="jtp10181, post:2, topic:140599, full:true"]
When I am done copying things I always go back to the original rule and clear it :person_shrugging:

So mine is usually empty.

A easy method to clear clipboards in all of the RM rules would be great. I don't have Jeff's discipline.....