Rename Matter

when i first setup the matter devices i was new to it. so when i set it up i named it test thinking i could delete it or rename it at some point. is there a way to rename the matter network without re installing?

Where are you seeing this?

Here's a guess: if Apple Home or similar Matter controllers that are capable of showing you other controllers using a Multi-Admin device show you Hubitat, Hubitat is using a test ID (as you must unless/until certification). You may see "Matter test" as a display name for that. This is nothing you did and nothing you can change.

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so when i first setup the matter in hubitat and it asked me for a name. the name i chose was test. are you saying that was just a coincidence and it would show up as matter test no matter what i picked?

It does not ask you for a name; it just enables Matter. So, I'm still not sure where you are/were seeing this.

Are you sure? :slight_smile:

In Apple Home, yes, it will show up as "Matter Test." It may do the same on other platforms, or some may only show you the (numeric) ID, while others don't show anything at all.

i know it doesnt ask me now. all i have is enable or disabled. but im pretty sure i typed that in some place on the first time. in any case if there is nothing i can do about it then im good. its all working.

Can you share a screenshot?

If you named the device “Matter Test”, then yes, that name can be changed under the “devices” screen.

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the only place i see matter test is in the IOS general -> matter section.

Okay, so it may not be what I was thinking. I have my matter bridge on Eero, so I’m not familiar with how it works on iOS…