Remove Matter bridge child

I have three HUE bridges, all connected via Matter to Hubitat.
Works great, and stable as can be.

Now I have removed some lights from one HUE hub, and add them to another bridge.
The new bridge reports the lights to Hubitat when I click configure, but the old bridge still shows the lights as childs in Hubitat onder the old bridge.
Also I cannot remove them (grayed out).
Pressing configure on the bridge containing the old lights the log goes ballistic:

So in the HUE app itself all looks good, but bridges paired via Matter to Hubitat will nog remove old devices.

Is this an know issue, and is there a fix for this?

Go into the child device you want to remove and click save device as you made a change to it. When you do that the remove device button should go from gray to red and then should allow you to remove it.

I had the same issue with some Aqara devices brought in through matter from my M2 hub and that is how it allowed me to remove them.

I would imagine the process is the same.

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That did the trick, thanks :+1:t2:

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You're welcome. I would tell you how long i fit that trying to figure it out but I don't want laughed at on a Monday morning. Just glad I could spare someone else the time.

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