Hi Folks,
I experienced the same, the built in driver (Remotec Z-Wave-to-AC IR Extender ZXT600) is not fully functional. It does not send the command to configure the remote codes. When this is attempted the light on the ZXT-600 doesn't respond, indicating no command received. However, it does control the functions of the AC, i.e. temperature setpoint, mode, etc. That said there is another driver available to help us get the code into the ZXT-600. The other folks in this thread got it figured out, I am just learning
So, here are the steps I had to take.
- Discover and join the ZXT-600
- Change the driver to this one, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/warrenguy/hubitat-drivers/master/remotec-zxt-600-thermostat.groovy
- Input your remote control code and Save Preferences (the green light on the ZXT-600 should blink when you do this, if it doesn't the code was not saved), I always hit configure too.
- Switch back to the Hubitat Driver, "Remotec Z-Wave-to-AC IR Extender ZXT600"
- Try and control your AC
- Once you've found the right code, the AC will operate as it should and you will not have to input the code again, the ZXT-600 stores the code in it's own memory.
You may have to repeat steps 2,3,4,and 5 until you find the right code that works with your AC or MiniSplit.
It's really too bad the Hubitat driver doesn't work properly, as the installation would be simple and people may use this device more often then other web based, non-local solutions as I had prior to this. Maybe the smart programming guru's here can look at both drivers and combine the two. The driver that I linked has much more custom functionality for the ZXT-600, but unfortunately the Temperature Setpoint doesn't work, hence the revert back to the Hubitat supplied driver for operation.