I have remote admin on my account. I have confirmed the subscription is active, and all of my hubs are connected.
Remote access to my hubs stopped working immediately after I added my 4th hub.
Before adding this new C7 I could access all of my hubs. Now I can access non of them. Literally nothing else has changed. This also happened to me once before.
The correlation between adding a new hub and the service not working is pure coincidence. What we have noticed recently, and subsequently resolved going forward, is that if you had a delay in processing the payment some time in the past, you may have a gap in coverage for the period the payment was delayed. You can send me a private message along with your email and I can check to see if that is the case, or if there is something else going on with your account.
FWIW, I've noticed occasional delays inability to access the remote admin service over the past 2-4 weeks, in which the service just didn't respond. At one point yesterday, I could access my dashboards on a hub via the cloud connection, but couldn't use remote admin. I just switched wifi networks to the IOT LAN the hub is on and did what I needed to do, figuring it was another AWS glitch. Has happened off and on for a few weeks. No payment delays here. I just figured AWS is/was the culprit. Anyway, that's the news from here, FWIW.
We haven't seen other reports of brief outages to indicate a problem related to AWS service. If you'd like us to help you get to the bottom of your problem, please send me a private message.
If it continues and I "catch it", I'll certainly follow up via PM. I was reporting it primarily to let you know I had observed it, in case others were seeing the same thing. I actually discovered something else as I used a local dashboard that's more pressing. The AWS admin access came back within a few minutes the 2-3 times I observed it (and recall). I just figured they were having some hiccup. Next time it happens (if it does) I'll try to note the date/time, etc.