Reminder - always be wary of cloud based devices/services... {hugs my hubitat hub}

like Alexa etc

That's why I'm watching mycroft. I'd love to move Alexa out of device voice control.


Thanks for posting the link to my topic. FYI, it is getting to be useful. I'm almost ready to turn off Alexa. Re Mycroft: I recommend the Raspberry Pi version with an amplified speaker and a Playstation Eye. The latter is always pushed as a camera but it was the microphone that I cared about: it works very well with Mycroft. With this mike, Mycroft hears and understands surprisingly well and has a lot of useful skills beside mine!

Of course you should know that the voice recognition, while open source, is in the cloud for the Pi version. Not sure about the voice synthesis.


I was not aware the PI version was cloud based. Still, we're inching closer to local voice control ...or at least an alternative to Alexa or Google if they become problematic.

If you find something different, please let me know. It's possible I misunderstood. But in any case, what I like is that all the actual control is local. Even commanding hubitat from Alexa forces me to use the Alexa app on H which of course gets commands from the cloud.

Case in point - Is this not why we see a continual flow of folks migrating from ST to HE ?


Yep and Wink too I guess... The trick is HE manages to be a lot more flexible and open at least on the surface. This means adding features/capabilities can be done without Hubitat Inc's involvement - things like the HPM, HubInfo and even HubConnect which still has a following and some interesting advantages over HubMesh.

This used to be sort of true with SmartThings except it was/is all still cloud based and vulnerable to the whims of Samsung.

Even Alexa -like any cloud service- might not always be with us...

Dec 2021: Amazon’s Alexa Stalled With Users as Interest Faded, Documents Show


Well, we could switch to Google for voice control....