The biggest benefit I've had to hub performance in the last couple months was ditching all native apps for lighting control and writing custom apps for my specific configuration. I can control the subscriptions EXACTLY how I want them, when I want them. I can control exactly how data flows and what calls run in what sequence. I finally had enough time to sit down and teach myself apps (drivers made sense for a while, the whole deviceWrapper thing was a bit of a leap for a non-programmer) and I'm telling you, nothing has made my hub run smoother. There's no overhead because there is no real UI. The only thing the App UI does is allow me to pick devices and declare values (like dimmer levels). All of the layout of the app is done directly in groovy. So, while the app is only applicable to my setup, because of that it run super fast and super efficient.
Yes. Zigbee, Zwave, Lutron, doesn't matter. Because I can see when the events are received and I can see when the subscription is fired for that event, I'm 100% certain its not the device. Nor do I believe it to be the radio and it's synchronous/serial nature.
Even with Lutron????? Now that’s news.....
No way....I'm gonna stick with Bruce and Mike on this one (both of whom only have one hub) #onehubisenough.
To me it's no surprise, it's not the mesh nor the devices. The hub is literally slowing down. The UI will become inaccessible or sluggish as well.
So, you do not have it checking activity for the devices as well? Check the app's cog wheel page and look at the device subscriptions to confirm.
Mike has two, one for lightning and the other one for the rest, he connects them with the build in HubLink... that’s why we had that built in... its just you and Brice holding up that flag
Exactly....the fact that Lutron is so fast just means this would probably be even SLOWER if you were using direct Zigbee bulbs for example.
I do not count that as two hubs...he has one for BULBS and the other for everything else. That's like have a Hue bridge and a Hubitat.
I have Lutron, Hue, Hubitat and now ST again (for 2 devices). What I'm talking about are these folks who have all of those and then 4 Hubitat hubs.
It depends a bit, is receiving the Lutron Telnet slow or the action that is behind it, e.g turning on the bulb... that is just a curiosity question
Fair enough
The action behind it. I can see the actual device event message reach the hub via the logs. Then I can witness any associated subscriptions to that device event be delayed in firing. Rarely I can see that the hub fails to log the device event quickly though the device has indicated the hub has received the message (LED Lights on some motion detectors for example). That's the most extreme situation, when the hub is essentially just locking up.
I see actuatorDevice (Garage door opener), batteryDevice (almost everything), SendPushMessage (report sending to my phone), temperatureMeasurementDevice (Konnected temperature & humidity device)
That's not the subscriptions. The subscriptions are listed under subscriptions.
You're looking at the app settings.
The event subscriptions are a listing of all of the device related events that will cause the app to "run". This combined with Scheduled Jobs are the only times the app will do anything. So, obviously, you don't want a lot of extra crap in there.
That's the app's Cog Wheel screen, right? Nope, that's the right spot. That's only runs on it's schedule, which will be below application state.
Yes, that was the app cog. Thanks.
Have to say it has crossed my mind as well.
No response to my numerous support ticket requests over the last week on the issues and no response in the forums to my inquiries nor other's perf problem threads is telling. I think the new CEO has been a bust, and is likely preventing the team from being as communicative as they were previously.
It's a shame, I've had very high hopes for HE. This is the right way to do home automation (no cloud). Unfortunately, they're not pulling it off well.
I get home today and extreme latency. Tons of lights on, not showing attribute on, and tons off showing attribute on. I've got lights with absolutely no subscriptions or apps associated that are popping on for no damned reason.
It's a freakin' mess.
Agreed, it is a shame. No mainstream company can survive with just one person attempting to handle all the numerous support tickets.