Thanks for the reply. I gathered that from the install instructions.
I get this:
(I was slightly delayed taking the screenshots)
The 'energy today' and 'energy total' don't sync unless I click a manual refresh. The rest are fine.
Here's the result of the
STATUS8 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2024-08-17T16:07:51","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2024-08-09T23:26:28","Total":2.385,"Yesterday":0.008,"Today":0.039,"Power":63,"ApparentPower":65,"ReactivePower":12,"Factor":0.98,"Voltage":253,"Current":0.255}}}
The logs seem to show that only certain values are refreshed:
Just confirmed on mine and it is working as expected.
Your Data Received is not right for some reason.
Circulation Fan - syncTasmota: Data received: {"TSYNC":"TRUE","SWITCH1":"","POWER":"9","VOLTAGE":"120","CURRENT":"0.16","APPARENTPOWER":"19","TODAY":"0.003","TOTAL":"29.749","YESTERDAY":"0.000","FACTOR":"0.50","REACTIVEPOWER":"17"}
I think you had Plug with Power Monitoring. Log ONLY Switch, Power, Current and Voltage Stats.
I suspect you changed this to the next entry with also includes Energy Stats but did not to a tasmotaInjectRule after this change so the Energy Triggers are not present.
Do a tasmotaInjectRule, set the telePeriod to 10 for testing and power on the device .Now observe your logs for the device and let me know what you see.
Your suspicions were correct. Thank you. Much appreciated.
Thanks for this driver! I used it on a TH16 to give me pool temperature as well as outdoor temperature in a small little package. Seems to work great!
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