[Released] Rule 4.0

You need to be making additional Backups. The backups saved on the Hub are wonderful, but if it dies, you do not get access to them. Techniques have been discussed, search will find them.

Yes, you can buy a new hub and yes you can restore the Backup, assuming you have one. You will get all your rules back, as of the date/time of the backup.

But you will NOT have access to your Zigbee or ZWave devices. Zigbe is probably easy, simply put the new hub in Zigbee include and cause the Zigbee device to re-pair (Factory reset then Pair as if they were new). They will return to the 'slot' (aka device ID) they were before.

ZWave involves: Exclude each device and then Include them. They will have new device IDs and therefore won't return to their 'slots'. You'll have to manually edit each to give them a familiar name, and then individually put them into the Rules/Apps/Drivers. Then you'll have to clean up the Device list to eliminate the 'orphaned' ZWave devices.

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Oh oh !!! In WebCore, every rule have a code number, easy to restore . I hope HE team find a solution we can " copy, paste " ... between the HE hub.

The Rules are not the problem. The problem is, the rules have devices in them but the new hub has no devices. When you put the devices back, you have to 'reconnect' the new device to the old device's spot in the rule. Even WebCoRE doesn't solve that. :slight_smile:

A new hub has zero devices, restoring the DB just restores the 'knowledge' that a device-once-lived-here. When you re-pair Zigbee, the Device ID (which is hard coded by the manufacturer, and remains the same forever) is able to match the device-once-lived-here. ZWave doesn't do that. No hard coded Device ID. The Device ID is generated as part of the Join process.

I complained a little about RM 3.0. So to be fair I have to say RM 4.0 is awesome IMHO. Great work!! Thank you for all the effort.

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Using Rule Machine to cycle on/off

I haven't read any posts in this thread, just came here to tell @bravenel that RM4 is freakin amazing. I've been able to do so much cool stuff, from combining several automations into one rule to setting stuff up that I didn't think would be possible previously. Thanks!


Hello, I've been unable to use Rules Machine to generate new rules now since I installed the last release. Reported to support on August 28th with other issues that were resolved and informed Rules Machine has known bug causing issue and would be resolved in next release; next release date unknown. Can only manipulate rules that were in place at the time. Clicking on Rules Machine to generate a new rule errors with the following:.

Going on two weeks now without being add items back that were removed trying to resolve the issue, add rules back which were in process of being rewritten for Rules Machine 4, or add new rules. Is there any way to resolve this prior to the next release short of reseting and starting over or is anyone else experiencing this issue that has rooted out a fix? Thank You!

Sorry about this problem. This came about from a Global Variable with a space in the name. The bug has been fixed for the next release. In the meantime, please see the PM I am sending you about it.

Hi! I would like to propose an additional feature: option to reference to the triggering device in conditions within the triggered rule, sort of like how actions around private booleans can reference the rule itself.

Here is one use case: I have a rule that I would like to run whenever any of a few contact sensor changes; if a sensor becomes open, one action should be taken, while if a sensor becomes closed, a different action should be taken. The limitation right now, so far as I understand RM 4.0, is that when a "contact sensor changed" event occurs, I have no way of determining whether the change itself was an opening or a closing—I can check only the current state of each of the sensors, but that says nothing about what the actual change was.

Or if this feature is already available and I just haven't found it, I'd love to hear that!

(To be clear: I know I can use any number of workarounds for the above purpose. I'm not trying to say that the behavior is impossible to implement right now, only that the feature would add utility and make rules more flexible and enable more-compact sets of rules.)

This can be done a couple of ways. One is that the last event is available as a string %value%. This could be placed in a variable and tested against.

Another way is the condition called Last Event Device. You can test any of the triggering device's attributes.

the trigger can be anything OR changed. so on a contact you can select opened or closed in the drop down.

I just converted a BC app instance to RM 4. This button device is a Lutron RadioRA 2 keypad. That new RM 4 rule is throwing an error that does not seem to cause problems:

I have a different RM (2.5) rule that "presses" a Lutron keypad (the one in the new RM4 rule) button at 7 am. The new RM 4 button controller rule is thus triggered.

As I said, there seem to be no performance issues, so I'm not asking for any help, it's more for your QA process.

Same error

This error is somewhat of a mystery at the moment. Could you show the rule that is throwing it.

Here it is. I would guess it's due to 2 rules running at the same time as this button controller rule doesn't cause an error when called by pushing a physical button. Button 1 was the button that was pushed via the other RM 2.5 rule.

It has something to do with per mode actions. But we have not been able to reproduce the failure yet. I'm making a 'superstitious' code change in the next release that may correct it.

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If the PM above were to be a workaround, could you let me in on it?
I created some new rules, (love the latest enhancements), lots of GV's with spaces.
I have paused the rule that stops the hub. Same rough time (~0210) 3 nights in a row. Once at an odd time of 0900 (today, had just powered down and back up the hub at about 0500) I will trade off the fun data collection and display, gladly for a hot cup of coffee when I roll out of bed. If the next release is eminent, don't bother. Do what you do! I am thrilled with the platform, and all of the built in aspects that are available.


Maybe I am just missing the obvious, but is there any way to specify a temperature range in RM? I am trying to control a ceiling fan based on temperature and want to set up different speeds depending on room temperature and also make sure the fan does not come on below a certain temperature.

This rule works fine for me.

Also note: that for the motion inactive/active I'm using an ecobee remote sensor which doesn't poll a change but every 5 minutes. So using a normal motion sensor you would need to set up some sort of second rule to not update a "normal" motion sensor for a longer period than most or else you will have your fan shutting off every time you don't move much in the room.

That looks like it should work, I was just thinking that having multiple else-if statements using <(temperature) would cause an issue.

This shouldn't be an issue, this is for a bedroom so the fan would only be triggered between certain times.