Sharing this here since I've mentioned this in a few places over the years but never had a centralized place/post to talk about it. I made a custom driver (details below) for the Zooz ZEN34 remote:
This driver is also available via Hubitat Package Manager (HPM). Searching for "ZEN34" by keyword is probably the easiest way to find it.
This driver should support all features supported by the device, including taps 1-5 on each button using standard button events (this is a contrast to the built-in driver that maxes out at double taps or another driver that uses custom events/attributes).
Taps 1-5 up: buttons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 pushed
Taps 1-5 down: buttons 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 pushed
Hold/release up: button 1 held/released
Hold/release down: button 2 held/released
(This is also explained in a comment at the top of the driver code.)
If you have any questions or problems, make a post below!
Yes, this one uses standard button events, not custom attributes. So, you can use it with Button Controller and the like.
No, but I've been toying around with a version that can. This seems little-used on Hubitat (and not as good as it sounds, in general), so I haven't tested it much...
I do recall testing associating it with a Jasco/GE dimmer switch to dim some recessed lights. I think someone had a question about it, and nothing else would work. As I recall.