Sharing this here since I've mentioned this in a few places over the years but never had a centralized place/post to talk about it. I made a custom driver (details below) for the Zooz ZEN34 remote:



This driver should support all features supported by the device, including taps 1-5 on each button using standard button events (this is a contrast to the built-in driver that maxes out at double taps or another driver that uses custom events/attributes).

  • Taps 1-5 up: buttons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 pushed
  • Taps 1-5 down: buttons 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 pushed
  • Hold/release up: button 1 held/released
  • Hold/release down: button 2 held/released

(This is also explained in a comment at the top of the driver code.)


If you have any questions or problems, make a post below!


Believe you meant 2,4,6,8,10 (not 5 but 6)

That and some better spacing (keyboard mashing? IDK), yes. Thanks! :smiley:


I've got 3 of them using the 'Advanced' driver.
Are there improvements or differences with this driver?

Also, does this driver do Associations? That can be handy once in a while, eg, dimming(?).

Yes, this one uses standard button events, not custom attributes. So, you can use it with Button Controller and the like.

No, but I've been toying around with a version that can. This seems little-used on Hubitat (and not as good as it sounds, in general), so I haven't tested it much...

I do recall testing associating it with a Jasco/GE dimmer switch to dim some recessed lights. I think someone had a question about it, and nothing else would work. As I recall.