Released version 1.3.0 with the following changes:
- Add option to show/hide "Unknown" devices - @Tony
- Add PWA manifest
- Remove the Hub device from the "Devices" tab - @jimhim
Have fun!
Released version 1.3.0 with the following changes:
Have fun!
Killin' it!!
Awesome work on this!
Would it be possible or make sense to have the map open in a new tab, like the built in Zigbee and Zwave graphs do in the settings menu? Or would this not work well in an app?
EDIT...Just realized I can do this in Chrome by right clicking on the view zigbee map button and click "open in new tab" option. That works for me if it doesnt make sense for you to make that change.
I get 56/55 items now that the hub is removed from the count? Normal?
Maybe it's my pink ZB repeater that throws it of not answering the call?
Can we get the Config setting to be cached?
I always use Dark mode and no link particles (I know, they're cute) but I have to set them everytime I open the app.
First world me problems, I know.
You must have at least one "Unknown" device, they are also counted. You can hide them now from the config.
I don't usually open the map from the app, I have it as a separate browser bookmark. Less clicks.
The Config settings are updated in the URL when you change them, so make sure you first flip the config switches how you like it, then add it as bookmark.
Ah, ok.
I'll bookmark.
I have a bunch of these ThirdReality Water Sensors, but one of them is oddly showing up as a Zigbee Coordinator (it clearly is not). Any thoughts on what could cause that?
Thanks for the update!
FWIW, I noticed that the unknowns my graph draws always happen to show connections to the same routers (which happen to be bulbs) as follows:
I've rebooted these bulbs, and since the unknowns didn't go away when redrawing the map, it's safe to conclude the device ID's corresponding to them were once associated with end devices, not routers (per SiLabs, child tables are nonvolatile, unlike neighbor table entries which would not persist after a reboot of the router device).
Also, notice that two of the unknowns are drawn with connecting lines to more than one router, so they cannot be associated with a currently active end device (end devices can only have a single parent link at a time).
These unknown ID's don't appear in the hub/zigbee/getChildAndRouteInfoJson file, so must have originated from an interview of the relevant router's child tables (though you didn't mention it, I'm assuming the app's interview queries each router's child table in addition to its neighbor table; if not, I don't have an explanation for where these device ID's would be found).
Since an active end device should only reside in the child table of a single router, that's further confirmation that these unknown device ID's can't be associated with active devices and can be safely ignored (in the case of my graph, it would appear the same stale entry persists in the child tables of two routers, causing a connecting line to be drawn to each).
You are right again, I need to rewrite the documentation.
The app sends ZDO LQI Request command (0x0031) to the device and receives back LQI Respose messages (0x8031). These responses seem to contain data from both the Neighbors Table and the Child Table.
Great tip ! < Works great !
Do the devices return any information that can be used to assess the quality of the link? That would be an interesting thing to see on the graph.
Just flat out awesome! thank you!
Feature request - and it may already be something there I'm just overlooking -
I was screen recording to show a friend the ultracoolness - I can't get the legend/tabs drop downs to roll up out of the way. Is there an 'on-off/open-close' on the status/device/config tab bar?
Just Click Status and it goes away ..
And for the Legend < Click the Little Arrow
If you mean the HOLE menu then no you can not ..
I think that he meant the entire menu/tabs to roll up or left and out of view.
@Pantheon yea - that was the hope - I don't mind the tabs, but wanted the screen space covered by the status dropdown so I could put my 2d house layout then move the dots to location for screenshot.
Dying to use this but after install i go to the app and click on view map and get a browser screen showing this
I read thru the thread and seeing all of the success with installing this so I'm leaning towards user issue but not sure what I could have done wrong. Its a pretty straightforward install.
if that is the case it should be coded in the package manager .json file which says the minimum required version and it wont let you install if not on that version or higher.
it is encoded correctly in package manager manifest so the only way someone could have installed on an earlier version and bypassed it is
Im on