[Release] Withings Integration (New Management)

No worries. Just trying to provide helpful feedback. Either GitHub or here would be a fine place to post a feature request with details. It might be something others would find useful, as it sounds like it could meaningfully expand the withings integration beyond withings devices. After I look into it, I can let you know if it would be more appropriate as a private version or not.

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Check out the latest version that adds the option to create a virtual activity tracker to track any activity data even if you do not have a Withings-specific activity tracker device. Cool! Thanks @richard-brown for the idea.


Hi @JustinL, any idea how I can force a more often update of the data?

The data is updated as soon as Withings notifies that there is new data. So you should not need to poll to force an update of the data. What are you trying to do?

Among other things, I need the actual number of steps.

At the moment the device data is only updated, when I start the Withings App on my smartphone. So it remains e.g. Steps=1567 for the whole day... :roll_eyes:
(Or even worst: It shows the Steps of yesterday, as long as I've not started the Withings App!?!)

Just out of curiosity......

Are you a French speaker? Do you mean the current steps? (I think in french "actual" is called a "faux ami") :smiley:
Do you get the current steps if you look at your account website, without looking at the app on your phone? I have several Withings devices and I have not noticed your problem (maybe because I often open the app on my phone). Just wondering if it is a problem with your particular set up, or a Withings problem.

I'm a German speaker... But doesn't "actual steps" mean "real steps"? :thinking:

Today (and even yesterday) I've not started the Withings App. Looking on the Withings web app it shows "0 steps" for yesterday!?! (BTW: The smartwatch itself has notified me yesterday about my success to get more than 10000.)

OK, now I start the Withings App on my smartphone...
And voilà: Finally there are the actual/current :wink: numbers also in the Withings web app!

So my question is still relevant:
How can I force the Withings App to send automatically the data at least every hour?

Just did a test with my Scanwatch - and I would have had the same problem as you (except I have now changed to a Samsung watch - with a different set of problems :smiley:)
Have you tried leaving the phone app running and used the phone battery config to prevent it being put to sleep?
If the web app doesn't get updated I don't think there are any changes to the Hubitat app which could help.

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I've already given all permissions to the Withings App and have set the battery config to "unlimited"; Still no value updates are incoming... :cry:

I fear there is also no API to force to Withings App to sync - maybe via Tasker... :thinking:

Since you mentioned Tasker, I'm assuming Android. If by any chance, that's a Samsung, there's one thing you can try:

Open the Withings app. Don't close it, but go to your home screen. Then, go to your recent apps screen. Witthings should show up. Tap the icon on the top of the Withings tile. You should see a sub menu. Tap on "keep open"

That will keep the app always open on the background. I do this with the hubitat app for presence sensing

I don't believe this is an option on all Androids. It was not the last time I checked. But, that was before Android 14.

Keep Open

Edited to add, there is a suport article on devices not syncing on the Withings side of things here:

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This sounds like an issue with how often the Withings app is updated with your phone’s steps data, not an issue with how often the integration gets data from Withings. If the withings app on your phone is not updated with the steps from your phone, Withings won’t have the actual steps and that means this integration won’t be able to pull the actual steps either. If you can figure out how to update your Withings app more often, I bet this integration will pull the actual steps as you desire.

For what it’s worth, I’m noticing the same thing on my iPhone. But Apple has more restrictions on background data refresh for iPhones.

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Very good idea! :+1:

But my Moto G Pro don't has this option. :cry:

It's a shame, I didn't find a workable solution.
And as usual, Withings support is not responding. :man_shrugging:

Nevertheless, thank you for all your efforts, dear @JustinL!

BTW, I've found a completely different solution to my problem:
I use the "Google Fit" integration of Home Assistant to get the current Steps of today; And thanx to HADB I can finally use this value also in Hubitat. :sunglasses:

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I just migrated my hub with this integration..and now I'm getting emails from them with this title:

"[Withings] Impossible to reach your server"

Is there an easy answer to this or do I need to delete and start over? Looks like the hub UUID is in the string they sent so I was wondering if there was a place somewhere to fix that?

I'm getting the same thing, I tried renewing the "secret" but it made no difference :weary:

Tried deleting the app, and the Withings API, and starting from scratch, made zero difference when testing the Registered URL from the Withings developer portal. :weary:

That was going to be my next step.... ugh

I think it's missing it's access token, when I enter https://cloud.hubitat.com/api/ into chrome that's the message it returns, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing tbh.

Is there any possibility of an update on this? Not sure if it's connected, but for the last couple of days my sleep sensor doesn't update it's presence status in the morning when I get up unless I power cycle it.

Not sure what’s going on after your migration. I’ve seen those emails before too but they resolved after I took the steps you did (reauthenticate and power cycle. I would think that the emails concern your previous hub (because it’s impossible to reach now), in which case you could just ignore them. But trouble with your new hub causes pause on that. What do the logs look like when you power cycle the Withings device and reauthenticate this app?