[RELEASE] Weather observations from Personal Weather Station via Weather Underground

This is a device driver for getting weather information from a personal weather station via Weather Underground:

In order to work, you need to specify a Weather Underground API key and, of course, a weather station to get data from.

In addition to retrieving the latest observation, it also computes the average temperature over a specified number of hours, which was inspired by Gary Milne's NWS data driver.


Doesn't Derek Osborne's driver already do that? Just curious what yours improves on... (Don't get me wrong, glad you made it!!!!!!)

Oh, you’re right. I don’t know how I missed that. The difference between the two then is that mine I only makes 1 API call for observations but doesn’t provide forecast information or weather tiles. It has one additional feature: it computes temperature averages.

I’ll mention the driver as an alternative, and think about whether I want to send a request for enhancements to Derek Osborne.

Thanks, @rlithgow1.

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Also has these

Also please understand, I was not trying to denigrate your driver.... I was just genuinely interested in the differences. I love we have one more person writing stuff for Hubitat!

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