I was having "weird" issues and lots of performance issues with the HE hub that it appears to be caused with the way I used the Virtual Device Sync and related simulated dimmer driver. @ericm FYI: The HE system on the surface works perfectly fast when I just use the physical switch and watch the simulated dimmer channels get triggered and the errors are logged. It only shows up as a real weird issue when I use this in my routine mode to shut down a bunch of my lighting at night when things get so slow and bogged down that it appearslike the nothing triggered when it fact it seems hung up in a bunch of all my 5 H801 devices.
I was going to copy the thread over here but here is the link with the log errors.
Basically the device errors are the simulated dimmer switches and the app:353 is the Virtual Device Sync associated with those specific 5 channels of the H801 RGBWW Controller.