How are people handling routines?

Wow, this has been an exciting troubleshooting issue. It turns out I think I have been chasing the wrong issues that were all just symptoms.

The real culprit showed up in the Logs. I should have started there to look for anything unusual. The problem is showing up in the logs here. I soon as I take the Kitchen Cabinet lighting switch out of the actions list the errors goes away and the actions take place. I don't understand exactly how to find what the error is coming from. I am using Simple Lighting to watch the Kitchen Cabinet Light Switch to turn off some virtual dimmer switches that are connected to a WiFi H801 RGBW controller. How do I tell what needs fixing,.. is it the virtual dimmer devices causing this? Again it looks very suspicious like this may be all due to my new router setup.

Sorry for getting this involved here. Hindsight says I should have started a new topic.