I see that as well. I am guessing there are issues with the manifest file for HPM at https://github.com/syepes/Hubitat/blob/master/Apps/Netatmo/Netatmo%20-%20Velux.json and it's not getting the version number right or something.

@syepes is that something you can fix?

Hi. By any chance did you sort out your issue? I only have Velux skylights with Netatmo and I believe that I probably only logged in through Velux itself (not Netatmo although they provided the controller.) I’m still able to log in successfully. I’m just wondering if there’s a difference between going through Velux vs going through Netatmo.

Hi. I tested this out again and the skylight blinds are finally working. Thanks! A few points:

  1. I went through HPM this time and it only installed the app. I’m not sure if the drivers were supposed to download and install with them. But I went to your GitHub page and manually installed the drivers in HE.

  2. I see the home again and it detected ALL the devices. I’m able to get the skylight blinds to finally work! Thank you!!!

  3. However the skylight window itself isn’t opening from close. I noticed if I activate the individually paired remote (not a climate sensor) for each skylight window to open, then I am able to stop, close, etc. the window via HE. But as soon as it closes again, I can’t control it.

  4. Is this a bug or security feature? I can open them through the Velux app and was able to control them completely via Homekit and Home Assistant. The climate sensors also have the ability to switch them from either opening/closing the blinds or the windows, but not both. Currently I have them set to only open and close the blinds (which may or may not have something to do with this.)

No, tbh, I kinda gave up, thinking I’d take another look at some point.

@syepes - is it possible that the Netamo app refreshes the tokens too often, it seems it tries to log in via the U/P a few times a day, causing emails to be sent warning of attempted (and successful) logins.