[No Longer Maintained] Squeezebox Integration (Logitech Media Server)

Sorry for my previous lack of debug, just checking first if known.

Here's the behavior I see. If I click on Favorite # (in Hubitat), the LMS player will show the title while Hubitat shows the station name, For example:

Then after clicking stop/pause, the Hubitat updates to the matching title description:

on a side note: while playing around different button sequences trying to see when they are not in sync I found one more thing. "Sometimes" if I press Favorite # in Hubitat 2 or 3 times in a row (without pressing stop/pause), it will make the LMS player page show the station name as well and not the track description. For example I was able to get this:

Very hard to predict when that happens but it does happen randomly.


Thank you for your work/contribution with this code to make Squeezebox work with Hubitat.

I just installed and it is working well for me.

Thanks again.

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I have this integration working with the music player on the dashboard..what are others doing for an interface? If there an easy way to use the dashboard or Alexa to search for songs to play?

Ideally I'd like to have an easy interface to select a song and set an alarm at a specific time.


Currently I just use the music player for volume and created some buttons to switch radio stations using the Favorite LMS function in RM. Still looking for better ways to display and function on a tablet with dashboard.

BTW, anybody out there using Fire HD tablets with LMS? I use FullyK for HE dashboards around the house on these and try to run the Squeeze Player Lite on each one. Unfortunately every once in awhile (maybe Amazon doing something) the squeeze player drops off. Quite annoying going around to each tablet to reconnect the squeeze players by running the app. I think I tried auto-start and that helped but still. Anybody out there also having squeeze players drop/disconnect on Fire HD tablets?

Just set this up for the first time and was almost flawless... Awesome work!

The only issue I had was that going thru the setup wizard the first time I couldn't select any players because the list kept collapsing on itself. I just continued through the rest of the way without selecting anything and then went back in to the app and was then able to use it as normal.

Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you. Best Add-on App Ever!!!

6 more tiles to choose (variety of Pandora and Internet Radio)


Could you please give instructions of how you setup RM to play favourites from the dashboard?


Set up Virtual Button for dashboard for each favorite
Set up rule to turn on or off LMS speaker/player of your choice with the custom action to play favx (x being the favorite number of your LMS server which is 0 to 9)
On LMS server set up your favorites order top being 1
Add virtual button to dashboard with background image if you want.

Many thanks, I have it working now.

xap, I am trying to get the amp to turn on and off with the squeezebox, but it seems to take a minute before the amp is turned on or off. Do I have a setting wrong somewhere?

Heya. Can you describe your exact setup and what routines you're using?

first thank you for offering to help :slight_smile:
I am struggling to control the amp (Hi Fi) with the Squeezebox touch. software has recently been updated from your github sub.

I can turn on the squeezebox and the amp at the same time using a different switch, but when I use the remote control, to turn on the SB, I cannot get the amp to respond very quickly. I have tried to write a rule, and a simple lighting rule.

And I have also tried :

i have the same rule for turning off, tried the on/off toggle marked with a red X too.

There is a lag of about a minute before the logs show the amp turning on.

I have reduced the Players Status Refresh Interval to 2 but with no success. can you guide me please?

I suggest first step is to determine if the delay is in detecting the player is on, or if it is in the routine, or lastly, if it is in switching on the amp.

If you have the refresh interval set to 2 and then watch the player device via the Hubitat web interface, how long is the delay for the status on the page to update after you switch on the player from the squeezebox itself (or its remote)?

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OK, interesting. This is one that when you look at it the problem goes away!
I turned it on and off from the device screen, and the amp also turned on and off. Now it works with the remote. not sure what magic you have, but it has worked for now.
Thank you for your support and suggestion. hopefully thats sorted !?!?

Weird. Some people have suggested that the polling method I'm using for the Squeezebox can lead to hub slowdowns which is why I made the refresh period configurable. If you see similar behaviour again try increasing the interval between Squeezebox refresh calls. Hope it works for you!

Ah, failed again! When I turned on the SB it had a funny playlist with ....temp... in it. I navigated to a proper playlist, and then it worked again. seems fine again, I will see what happens in the morning and make a proper note of it. I have seen it before, but only recently.

Slowdown is real, and best I can tell it is related to this code. I've had to disable the app/drivers entirely because it chowders the hub. Initially I edited the code and set the polling period to like 5000sec and that slowed down the rate of dementia advancement but it still made the hub totally unresponsive after a few days.

Might want to try disabling the sqeeze app/devices and see if the amp will behave more reliable directly from hubitat.

I'm considering noodling around the code when I have time and adding a 'disable polling' option for myself. A full integrated music player interface within hubitat updating song info etc isn't what I need anyway, just play, pause, on/off. everything else I suit up and dive into a squeeze specific app.

Are you running the latest version of the code? I ask because I have already added a "Disabled" option in the drop down for "Player Status Refresh Interval". Try that one.

It's strange that you are having that reaction from the app. I'm using it with a setup with 5 players and don't see any hub slowdown from it.

@bikesquid Do you ever see the following message in your logs?:
"Overlapping getServerStatus() requests, check network connectivity between HE Hub and LMS Server or consider increasing refresh interval."

Hi @bikesquid @rupert.bowling1

I have spent a bit of time investigating this (benefit of home isolation I guess). Ideally I'd like to switch the status updating to use the LMS cometd interface (where the server pushes updates over a websocket). That's a bit of a major rewrite though so for now I've switched the player command requests to use the async HTTP method (instead of synchronous) and stopped the app from sending more refresh requests when it's still waiting for a response for a previous one.

It's working for me... but that doesn't guarantee its going to work better for you guys. If you have time to test/play with it and let me know if it looks better that'd be helpful :+1: Cheers