[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 In 1 (PIR motion sensors) w/ healthStatus

Yea I feel that…it must be nice for everyone else to just pull some romex. :rofl: For me yea only attic access in a couple of rooms on 2nd floor and even up there it’s basically just all the switched wiring for can lights. I’d have to tap into power going to HVAC (undesirable) or smoke alarm (even worse). Home Automation is the only thing to make me want to down-to-the-studs renovate sometimes. :rofl:

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Is it possible to add the device below to the driver Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1 ?

endpointld: 01
application: 46
manufacturer: _TZE204_ztc6ggyl
model: TS0601

I have 2 identical devices but different manufacturers: TZE200 and TZE204


I have added yours and 3 other new manufactuers fingerprints into the latest dev. branch version 1.0.15 "2022/12/03 5:51 PM" Please test and let me know if it works, I will then push an update via HPM.

@parish99 this version also adds binding for temperature, humidty and illuminance for the OWON radar. I don't know if this will work, as the endpoints may be different than the defauult. I have asked the manufacturer for some documentation, but it will takes time to receive it.

I changed to the new driver, motion is still reporting ok, but doesnt appear to be working for the other sensors yet.

dev:11722022-12-03 11:33:36.993 AMinfoOWON Motion is active 52s
dev:11722022-12-03 11:33:36.991 AMdebugOWON parse(OWON) descMap = [raw:7CBC0104060800001801, dni:7CBC, endpoint:01, cluster:0406, size:08, attrId:0000, encoding:18, command:0A, value:01, clusterInt:1030, attrInt:0]
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.381 AMinfoOWON preferencies updates are sent to the device...
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.379 AMdebugOWON sendZigbeeCommands (cmd=[])
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.378 AMdebugOWON sending the changed AdvancedOptions
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.373 AMdebugOWON Config parameters changed! old=2424320913d37f1d813fbd new=2424320913d37f1d813fbd
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.368 AMinfoOWON Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.321 AMinfoOWON Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.319 AMinfoOWON Updating OWON (Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1) model OCP305 manufacturer OWON
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.034 AMinfoOWON Motion is active 11s
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:56.031 AMdebugOWON parse(OWON) descMap = [raw:7CBC0104060800001881, dni:7CBC, endpoint:01, cluster:0406, size:08, attrId:0000, encoding:18, command:0A, value:81, clusterInt:1030, attrInt:0]
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:48.486 AMinfoOWON Initialization finished version=1.0.15 (Timestamp: 2022/12/03 5:51 PM)
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:48.484 AMinfoOWON manufacturer = OWON
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.685 AMinfoOWON Received bind response, data=[8C, 8D] (Sequence Number:8C, Status: Failure)
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.682 AMdebugOWON parse(OWON) descMap = [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 7CBC 00 00 0000 00 00 8C8D, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:7CBC, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[8C, 8D]]
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.530 AMinfoOWON Received bind response, data=[8B, 8D] (Sequence Number:8B, Status: Failure)
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.527 AMdebugOWON parse(OWON) descMap = [raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 7CBC 00 00 0000 00 00 8B8D, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:7CBC, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[8B, 8D]]
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.518 AMinfoOWON preferencies updates are sent to the device...
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.516 AMdebugOWON sendZigbeeCommands (cmd=[])
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.514 AMdebugOWON sending the changed AdvancedOptions
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.508 AMdebugOWON Config parameters changed! old=2424320913d37f1d813fbd new=2424320913d37f1d813fbd
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.502 AMinfoOWON Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.456 AMinfoOWON Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.454 AMinfoOWON Updating OWON (Tuya Multi Sensor 4 In 1) model OCP305 manufacturer OWON
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.376 AMinfoOWON reported Power source 04
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.374 AMdebugOWON parse(OWON) descMap = [raw:7CBC0100001007003004FEFF86, dni:7CBC, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:10, attrId:0007, encoding:30, command:01, value:04, clusterInt:0, attrInt:7, additionalAttrs:[[status:86, attrId:FFFE, attrInt:65534]]]
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.326 AMdebugOWON sendZigbeeCommands (cmd=[he raw 0x7CBC 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200])
dev:11722022-12-03 11:32:46.324 AMdebugOWON refresh()...
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@parish99 I need to know which ednpoints the other sensors are. Probably, we can see these endpoints from the detailed information that is available only when you pair the device as a new one.

You need to click on REMOVE DEVICE button at the bottom right of the device web page. Then go to Devices -> ZIgbee pairing and pair it again. You will see a hyperlink 'More Info'. Click on this link and please copy and paste all the information that is in the popup window. You may need to scroll and copy at the same time, make sure all info is copied, then paste it here.

I didnt see a more info, but there was a pairing info. Is that what you wanted?


Yes, this is what I was aksing for, unfortunately it doesn''t show more informaton than what we already know.

Will have to wait until I get the tehcnical documentation from the suppier that I asked for a few days ago.

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Hi @kkossev, I've been using version 1.0.15 "2022/12/03 5:51 PM" of the Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 in 1 driver on my _TZE204_ztc6ggyl device for 2 days now and it's working fine.

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@parish99 I've got the documentation from the manufacturer, the OCP305 model OWON radar provides only presence/motion detection. No parameters to set up, no temperature, humidity, or illuminance readings.

Probably the misunderstanding comes from the other OWON sensor, which is a PIR sensor and provides T/H/I readings.

Thanks for following up on this. I probably should have checked around a little more, apparently Abibaba doesnt have the most accurate product descriptions. Thats to bad, I wanted a mmWave sensor with temp, humidity, and lux.

For anyone else looking for mmwave I wouldnt recomment this sensor. It works decent for motion but, there are better, smaller options out there for just motion.

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There must have been a change in the Tuya app that uses the Tuya presence sensor.

You can adjust the fading time of the square sensor, which is a wall type, from 10 seconds.
Of course, I checked that the sensor starts from 1 second in HE.

The round ceiling type sensor has only fluctuations in the contents of the app, and it is the same as before.

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I don't think that we need to impose such restrictions here in HE.

If compared to the average SmartLife user, Hubitat users know very what they are doing, they are much more knowledgeable about how a mmWave radar works and what would be the effect if the 'fading time' parameter is set too low... :grin:

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The development branch version (link in the second post) has a major update - version 1.1.0, timeSTamp "2022/12/16 11:49 AM"

It adds the possibility to dynamically change some of the configuration parameters for the mmWave Tuya radars:
The parameters that can be changed using the setPar custom command are : "radarSensitivity", "detectionDelay" , "fadingTime" , "minimumDistance" , "maximumDistance".

The custom command setPark takes two parameters: the first is the parameter name (type string) and the second is the value (can be of a type number, decimal or string):

WebCoRE example :

There is a new option that will send as events the changed parameters , so their last values are known and can be further processed in RM5 or WebCoRE :
By default the new option is switched off

Many thanks to @jw970065 for the preliminary tests!


this is a great improvement. why not create command buttons in the driver for these parameters?

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There are too many parameters / preferences that potentially could be set from RM5/WC, if I make a separate command for each of them it will clutter the driver web page UI... But I can try in the next few days to make the parameter name selectable from a drop-down list, this will work also as a hint which parameters are available for setup and what are their names exactly.

Hi @kkossev, could you please add this device to the driver ? It’s a Tuya mmWave radar from Moes with a different manufacturer.


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Added into dev. branch version 1.1.0.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Hey @kkossev -- Merry Christmas -- bought "something" 4 in 1 -- honestly don't remember if it was an Ali or Amazon purchase (likely Ali) - figured I could get it working, or just toss it.

Pretty sure it falls in this Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 in 1 category (box says 4 in 1, and model is a TS0202 from the device details page)

Not seeing the "_TZ3210_wuhzzfqg" in the driver code (pulled from HPM). Am wondering if that's why I'm not getting temperature or humidity. It should, but it's not reporting that. Also not important to me -- I'm running it off a USB power brick, no batteries. But it is reporting battery.

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Thanks again !!

Now it’s working !!! Merry Christmas !!!

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