[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Contact Sensor++ w/ healthStatus

@TMLeafs please test ver. 1.1.1, the bug introduced in the previous version should be fixed now.


Quick question. Since these work magnetically does the sensor just detect "a" magnetic field as opposed to "not a" magnetic field? Or is there a way to use more than one magnet to one sensor?

And if there is, is it possible to write a driver that'll accept different values of magnetic to indicate different values of closed (ie a window with 2 panels and a central bar, with a trigger magnet on the panel and the sensor on the bar)? So you'd get - all closed - one open - both open - other open options for actions.

Just a random thought.

Driver works fantastically with the ones I got in the aliexpress tat-hunters sale. :grin:

Managed to get hold of 2 tuya Wi-Fi T/H sensors, 2 tuya zigbee T/H and 3 tuya zigbee contact sensors with one that has a tamper sensor on it, that'd be good to have working (it's a little release to make switch so it trips when someone removes the sensor). They should be good to go with CR2032 upgrades over the CR2016 I think in there for a good bit of battery life help.

About 10 months ago I bought a lot of 10 contact sensors, XFINITY XHD2-LD, Model: LDHD2AZW

and I’ve been using this driver with excelent results.
My request is because I can see that the driver was not built for this specific device, and there are some adjustments that I believe are needed for it to perform accordingly to this device.

a) this Contact sensor does NOT have a temperature sensor, but still it shows some temperature value. It has to be removed for this specific model.

b) it would be very helpful if an option or button to set as Open or Closed as required is added.

Sometimes when there is a blackout, and the door physically changes state, there is no way to correct it like on other drivers, (when this has to be done remotely), only if driver on the device is changed to Device, adjusted, and changed again to the previous (this) driver. Or maybe if power is back on, and door is opened and closed again it will update properly.

@kkossev please let me know if you need specific information about this Xfinity sensor, and thank you for your hard work helping us with our toys we enjoy so much.

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Please post the device model and manufacturer, as seen on the Device Details’ Data section at the bottom of the HE web page.

The questions you rise make a perfect sense, I will think about how to implement the open/closed state refresh in the future update.

Here it is,

  • endpointId: 01
  • driver: v1.0.1.1123b
  • firmwareMT: 111D-000F-00766620
  • model: null
  • softwareBuild: 00766620
  • TipoBateria: CR2

The TipoBateria is a field I added with some specific app.

Anything else?

This doesn't look correct.... The Zigbee model and manufacturer data is missing, so from a driver perspective it is not possible to identify this device. I expect the model URC4460BC0-X-R and manufacturer 'Universal Electronics Inc'. But I will also need the inClusers list.

I suppose the sensor is this one :

Please switch back to the HE inbuilt 'Device' driver and click on the 'Get Info' button, while activating/deactivating the contact sensor at the same time. I will need the fingerprint that should appear in the live logs.

Also, according to Zigbee2MQTT this device has a temperature sensor.

The sensor I bought is this one,

Robot or human??


Not the one you mention.

Here’s the log info,

I have been searching for more information related to this device, but can’t find anything mentioning a temperature sensor.

Now this id the info shown on Device Details Data Section,

  • endpointId: 01
  • driver: v1.0.1.1123b
  • firmwareMT: 111D-000F-00766620
  • inClusters: 0000,0001,0003,0020,0402,0500,0B05,FD50
  • manufacturer: Leedarson
  • model: LDHD2AZW
  • outClusters: 0019
  • softwareBuild:
  • TipoBateria: CR2

Just let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks again

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Yep, this is an another device ( Leedarson seems to be the actual manufacturer in China), but it also exposes the temperature cluster and most probably starts to report the temperature automatically.

Are the temperature reading inaccurate? Do you want them disabled?

Please update to the latest development version. The fingerprint is not there yet, but there is an option to sync the contact state on every battery report. Maybe this will help ?

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Let me do some more testing.
That temperature valve doesn’t seem right, besides it doesn’t change very often.
Will set a thermometer next to it to see if it’s of any use.

Temperature value didn’t change from 9:00 pm (last night) to 7:00 am (this morning).
It doesn’t update at all!

It is stuck at 30.3 ºC.

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Jason, if you install the driver via HPM, please update to the latest dev, branch version afterward.
(The link is in the second post).

I will sync the two versions later today, just noticed that there are quite a bit of updates not present in the 'production' version in HPM.

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I went directly to the Dev channel version on Github - I'll keep an eye out for any updates, thanks.

Would it be possible to have a switch in the driver to disable luminance? I added a few of my new Ali Express contacts with this driver and all is definitely very well with battery level and contact sensing. But one model is sensing luminance, which I don't even think is a feature it has. Number bounces around when contact is changed, but even putting it in pitch black reads a high number. I'd just like to disable it.

This is the unit:


endpointId: 01
application: 90
inClusters: 0000,0003,0500,0001,0400
manufacturer: _TZE200_pay2byax
model: TS0601
softwareBuild: 0122052017


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Agree, this device illuminance readings are very flaky! : (

You can update the driver manually :

  • ver. 1.2.2 2024-06-14 - (dev.branch) - added ThirdReality tilt sensor 3RDTS01056Z; new _TZE200_pay2byax fingerprint; added preference to disable illuminance @Big_Bruin


Uhhh... now I see that it is not very clear what state of the toggle means disabled and which means enabled... Do you have an idea to improve the name of the preference and the help text?


Leave the name, and maybe say "Select this option to disable the illuminace (lux) events"?

But I suppose this could hinge on what you (as the dev) want to set as the lux-reporting default (enabled or disabled)...

My suggestion above presumes it's not already selected by default... If you decide it should be, then I'd condsider "flipping" the elements accordingly -- hope that makes sense!

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Awesome! Thanks!

Hi @kkossev,
Can you add this device? A simple contact sensor from AE.

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_rcuyhwe3
  • model: TS0203


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You can update to the dev.branch version '1.2.4' '2024/08/14 1:05 PM' .
If open/close events are still not registered, pair the device again to your HE hub (without deleting it).

Hi Krassimir @kkossev,

A couple of days ago I updated this driver with the one on the dev.branch you suggest on previous post.

Since then, two or three contact sensors (XFINITY XHD2-LD, Model: LDHD2AZW) are not working properly. They change to open after any change happens on them, If the Sensor closes, afer a few seconds or minutes it will change to open. If I do it via the Device page on Hubitat by selecting Set Closed , it will show open within a few seconds.

Can you provide a link to a previous version of the driver so I can test if it has to do with this?

Thanks for your help.

Edit: just downgraded from this Driver ver. 1.2.4 to 1.2.1 and everything went back to normal, or so it seems.

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Hi @rgr , thank you for the report!

Probably the problem is caused by the new option 'Poll Contact Status' that I added recently, it worked OK for my SONOFF contact sensor, but may not work for the XFINITY sensors...

Do you remember whether this option was turned on or off for your devices? By default, it should be off (not toggled).


Yes, this option was on, but now I downgraded so I can’t test with this option turned off.