[RELEASE] Tuya NEO Coolcam Zigbee Water Leak Sensor

you may have to repair several times.... don't remove, just press the button for 10 sec to start pairing and then under devices search for new devices ....it will show up as 1 that was already paired, click on it and check if working...If not repeat ...in some cases I had to do 3 times and then they worked.

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I converted a _TZ3000_upgcbody to hard wired power DC power. It seems these things go to sleep on me. Do you know of a way to keep these things awake? I have power to spare. :wink:

No, these are 'deep sleeping' end Zigbee devices, made this way to save battery power... So even if you hard wire it to a power source, there will be no change in the device behavior.

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I experienced this same issue post upgrade to a C8 Pro. I have three of these sensors - one is a model TS0601 and two are model TS0207 (manufacturer ID _TZ3000_5ynfoj1f).

The TS0601 connected back to the C8 Pro without issue and has stayed connected. The TS0207s go through the pairing process and report wet/dry for about a minute after pairing and then immediately drop off and stop reporting a status. I was not having this issue when they were paired to the C7.

What I have tried so far:

  • Factory reset the device (hold button until light flashes) and then paired the device within 5 feet of the hub. I have tried doing this several times back to back and each time the result is the same.
  • Pulled the battery for greater than 5 minutes and tried the steps in the first bullet
  • Tried a brand new battery and tried the steps in the first bullet

Let me know if any additional info is needed or if there are other ideas on how to get these to pair with the hub and start working again. Strange they were worked fine previously though.

No guarantee that this will work in your environment too… but maybe worth a try?

Thanks! I will check this out.

As a follow up here's a capture of the debug messages after pairing. The device reported wet/dry status immediately after pairing (~ 10:45) but that then stopped working shortly after that.

This is the well-known C-8 problem, it’s been reported a hundred times.

Is that the best thread to report these issues or should I start a new one? I see quite a few references to Tuya devices having this issue on that thread.

Just post here.... @kkossev is our resident TUYA guy...

@kkossev Do you need any more info from me. I am happy to provide whatever you need.

In looking at the other thread, the issue with my specific devices seems like something that needs to be resolved by the Hubitat team. If the chances are low that this will be fixed I am willing to cut my losses on these two devices and move on.

@mjarends there is nothing more that can be done on user driver level at this time, let’s hope that Hubitat team will find a solution soon.

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Has anyone had experience with these Water Leak Sensors linked in this post:
Tuya Zigbee Water Leakage Alarm Water Leak Sensor Detector Flood Alert Overflow Security Alarm System Works With Zigbee Gateway

Meian ZigBee Water Leakage Sensor Immersion Security Alarm Sensor Wifi Water Leak Detector Overflow Alert Waterproof Smart Home

I have one which looks exactly as on your first link.
It saved me once from a flooding in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.... I have the device attached inside the wooden cabinet where it is easy to reach/service, but the sensor is simply put down laying on a low surface that is difficult to reach. The leak happened exactly there!

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Thank you for sharing! I love the price on these.

There was a listing with two of those for around $12, I got them and they work great with kkossev's driver!


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These will perfect for my water level rules :slight_smile: Thank you for sharing!

I have a some new Meian leak sensors that will not work with either the generic driver or this one and I'm looking for some help. The devices appear to complete pairing, but the logs show the pairing failed. The devices do not function beyond an initial report of 100% battery.

Here is what I've tried:

  1. Insert batteries
  2. start zigbee pairing in HE
  3. press pairing button until red light flashes while holding device within 6" of hub
  4. give device a name when prompted
  5. go to device details page
  6. short the water contacts and note the device does not change from dry
  7. Press configure
  8. repeat steps 2 - 6

Each time the device initially reports battery then goes radio silent. I have waited a few hours. This causes the notPresentCounter to increase with each failed health check.

I've tried multiple sensors with new batteries and the results are all the same. Initial battery report then nothing.

I am on a C8 on with stock power supply. I have a stable zigbee mesh with 9 mains powered devices and 12 battery devices.

The device page shows the following:

Device date:
endpointId: 01
application: 42
manufacturer: _TZ3000_kyb656no
model: TS0207

State Variables
rxCounter : 8
rejoinCounter : 2
driverVersion : 1.1.3 2024/08/02 8:24 PM
txCounter : 10
lastWaterWet : unknown
notPresentCounter : 0
lastBattery : 0
isTesting :false

Here are screen shots of the debug log when pairing and then repairing:

It seems that your device has fallen off the Zigbee network. The easiest way to confirm this is with debug logs enabled to remove the battery, wait a few seconds and then insert the battery back. Do you see any zigbee messages in the live logs?

If not, use the Double Luck voodoo to pair the device again to your C-8 hub.

Thank you very much! I had no log activity when removing/reinserting the battery so did the double luck voodoo. The device is now reporting correctly. Again thank you.

I will use the double luck method on the other four sensors to get them on the network next.

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