[DEPRECATED] Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration

Excuse me while I take this opportunity to thank you for your work on this integration. I've purchased a few different Kasa products and along with your app they are working perfectly.

It is

Only other thing is there is already a device installed with the same Device Network id. other than that, I am lost.

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Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

did it work?


Version 6.5.2 is now available.

Update Note: After updating the APP and DRIVERS, do one of the following to assure proper operation (especially of the EM Funtion). Either of these actions will configure all devices and the app to new data and updated scheduling.

  • Open the App and simply exit OR,
  • Open any ONE device's edit page and select the command "configure"

Link to change description: HubitatActive/Changes-6_5_2.pdf at master · DaveGut/HubitatActive (github.com)


I like the release notes layout @djgutheinz. And the changes too, of course :slight_smile:


Funny story....

I saw this update and updated it from work before leaving for the day. I missed the other part of the update process and totally freaked out cause nothing worked when I got home. :joy::joy:

Sorry. It's me again.
I did the update as directed using HPM.
Everything is working except the EM plug. It won't respond to on/off from the device page. It does work through the Kasa native app on my phone.
When I run the scan LAN in the app it shows up and says driver version 6.5.2. When I check the driver code it also says 6.5.2 so I assume the driver was updated correctly.
Here is what shows up when I run the scan Lan button

List Kasa Devices from Add Devices, Version 6.5.2

Total Kasa devices: 6 Alias: [Ip:Port, RSSI, Driver Version, Installed?]

Coffee: [, -63, 6.5.2, Yes]
Family Ceiling: [, -48, 6.5.2, Yes]
Family Room Fans: [, -69, 6.5.2, Yes]
Front Lights: [, -55, 6.5.2, Yes]
Garage Outside: [, -75, 6.5.2, Yes]
Heater: [, -80, 6.5.2, Yes]

The EM plug is the "Coffee"

When I use your ping device tool I get:
Coffee : [ip:, min:11.804, max:21.499, success:100]
so it looks like it should be working.

Any ideas?

Not funny. My testing had the devices basic functions still working w/o doing the configure (that was a pass/fail). So I must have failed again.

My intention was to laugh at myself because I didn't thoroughly read.

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Did a single line update to the app to;
Force an updateChildren() (updates child data) each time a Scan for Devices fixConnection() is run.

If you encounter problems where the IP is not updating, do a HPM repair or replace the app code. It will be formalized in the next version.


I can't seem to update any IPs of already installed Kasa devices. Scanning and Resetting Device Database reports the correct IP addresses, but when I go to the devices individually they have the old IP address. Tried rebooting, still no luck. Didn't want to remove the devices as it breaks the rules. I know I have done this before so I'm sure if I'm doing something differently, or if something has changed. Any ideas?

Replace the app with the latest version (I did a quick one line update this AM.) Can be done in HPM using "Repair".

Also, this would not happen if you follow the instructions and assign a static IP address to your devices. But you are definitely not alone in not doing so.

The repair followed by a scan worked, thanks. Its funny because I'm doing static ips from the router right now, but I took the time to do some organization...that's why I was updating them in the first place :smile: . Thanks for making this all this possible in the first place, really appreciate it and the quick response.

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Not sure what changed but recently but one of my plugs keeps showing up on my activity monitor app as inactive. I think it possibly started with the 6.5.2 update. I did an HPM repair as well to make sure I have current code. It is not specific to one device because when I was just away for a week the same thing happened to one of my other plugs that was not being used. It seems that the "Last Activity" no longer updates when you do a refresh / poll. I turned on debug logging and I recall from a while back that if I did a refresh a bunch of reply messages from the device would get logged. Currently when I do the refresh only the outbound command is logged and nothing else. If I change the on/off of the device from the Kasa app, then refresh it will log the new state and the Last Activity Date updates.

I know the Last Activity only updates when the driver sends an event (even if it is not shown/logged). Was there an event previously being sent after getting replies from the refresh that is not being sent anymore? Could maybe just send a commsError: false every time the device replies back to force the activity date to update?

The design has been to preclude sendEvent for most event for over a year. The sendEvent command is within the logging exclusionary if statement in the methods setSysinfo, setPower, and resetCommsError. You could move the statement out of the exclusionary if statement for one of these events.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Since I already exclude logging, it cost no processing ticks to exclude sending the event.
    This reduces overall hub process (Hub does not have to handle the sendEvent and exclude it).
  • Historically, the Hub has had periods that it sent an update even when the attribute did not change.

I will run a test on hub resources with / without this exclusion; unprotecting the setSysinfo instance. Maybe the next version. (maybe not).

PS: What is the activity monitor you are using?

Something must have changed recently, because I only started getting this within the last week and I think the only thing that changed was I updated the Kasa Integration to 6.5.2. Something was causing the Last Activity to update before this version, not sure what.

I just have it set for most of my devices to watch the Last Activity to be less than 24 hours, if not it does a refresh, and if it still does not update I get an alert. Handy to know if a device (Zwave, Zigbee or Wifi) gets knocked offline or locks up for some reason.

Hello @djgutheinz. Thank you so much for this fantastic integration. I have run into an error.

I am running the latest platform and have reinstalled the Kasa drivers.

Temporary Fix: Do a Save Preferences and try again. Please come back if it happens again. See explanation below (for inclusion in the next version).

For my curiosity, what version did you update the app/driver from?

Issue: Transition time null in method checkTransTime.
Affects: all Bulbs, Light Strip, Dimming Switch.
Resolution (future): In method checkTransTime, check for null transition time. If null,

  1. set the device's value to 0 (so future calls will not require oorrecting),
  2. set the value transTime to 0
  3. continue method.
