[RELEASE] Tile Builder - Build Beautiful Dashboards (Grid 2.0 Released)

If you run the update it should take care of #2 and #3. For the renamed Storage Device see my earlier advice.

I pushed out an update tonight. If you change your Template Column 2 to say %lastEventValue% you will get what you want. The inline "Text Fields" help is updated but I have to add to the online doc.

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Thanks for the update! Activity vs Multi-Attribute tiles are back to normal.

Editing the storage device, however, is still an issue.
I need to edit it in order to delete it (unless there is another way to delete a device?)
I found that the page isn't really blank - it has a source, but the actual browser page is blank, and in the dev console there is the following message:

So I created storage device #2 and this time didn't touch it at all. Went to edit it and got the same result as above...

Also having a problem with the Multi Attribute Monitor.
I wanted to make another tile and instead I get this error...

Error 404

App type not found for namespace: garyjmilne and name: Tile Builder - Multi AM

If you are seeing this screen repeatedly, please visit support.hubitat.com.

Looking in apps code, it is there and my original tile is working.

If HPM shows an available update then do that. If not do a repair. That will take care of it.

You can force a device deletion using this technique:

The message "The new child element contains the parent" sounds like it has a circular reference.
A period (.) in some operating systems means the current working directory and (..) means the parent directory. So that might be confusing it.

I just created an empty Storage Device and it came up as expected. Sometimes CSS\HTML elements can be transient in memory so a reboot might clear it.

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Hi @garyjmilne ,
Thanks a lot. Much appriciated and I can confirm that this is now fixed and using the %lastEventValue% fixed this issue.

As for the other issue I am seeing, this is not yet working as expected. The dashboard table does not update when the variable value has changed. It keeps the old values till you go back to the child app page and click Publish and Subscribe.
I tries using the 'more options' to try and see the logs and see what is going on but I have to admit that this is beyond me. If you could instruct me which logging option to turn ON I could attach the relevant lof file.

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I know that subscribing to a hub variable is different from subscribing to a device and my logic should handle both and I remember testing it and it working, but that was a few weeks ago. Im thinking it’s something related to whether the hub variable actually has a connected device or not.

Do your variables have connected devices?

Yes they do

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I think I solved the empty device page issue.

First, I've disconnected the storage device and tried to edit it in Devices. This worked!

Then I connected it and right away edited it in Devices again (had a second tab opened for this purpose).

I then refreshed the Edit Device page every 10-15 seconds and watched the tiles populate. For example, after 30 seconds or so I had 4 tiles out of 13:

Eventually, the Edit Device page became blank again.

So, at this point I knew which tiles were successful (did not any effect on the issue) and which tiles have not updated yet at all (thus also did not have any effect on the issue):

Therefore, by exception I had two suspects :grinning:

After playing with those tiles to see what is different, two things stood out: Extreme Scrubbing and Overrides (#Class1#=td:nth-child(2){font-weight: bold;}).

Eventually, I kept the override and set the scrubbing level to "Normal" and now I can edit the storage device any time :+1:

So, the moral of this story is: greed is bad :rofl:

Thanks for doing the detective work on that. Off the top of my head your statement looks fine but I'll do some experimenting when I have time.

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I pushed an update that should fix this problem, worked for me at least. Thanks for your help and patience with smoothing out the rough edges on Grid.

Am I correct in saying this is your override string, without the ()? If so looks good.

Try Aggressive, that is about 90% of the savings.

Yes, that's the one. It does work and makes my values (temperatures, battery levels, etc.) stand out.
I'll try Aggressive, thanks!

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Thank you. That did the trick.

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Hi @garyjmilne ,
I am sorry but this did not work for me.
Updated the app.
Clicked again on Publish and Subsribe in the child app page.
Made the variable change its values but.....nothing. Changes are not replected untill I hit Publish and Subscribe again.

I will PM you.

BTW did you know you can add tags to a field? If I wanted to make all the entries in column 2 bold I could do this:

I used a [/b] closing tag but I don't need it if it's the last tag in the field as the table cell creates an implied closure. If you click on Text Fields you will learn more on the topic.

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Did you use HPM and 'modify' the app install to add the new module?

Hi @garyjmilne ,
Please help me understand an issue I have with the Grid app.
I have several valves connected to an Orbit B-hyve sprinklers system.
Using a custom app the valved gets created and assigned a driver.
Each valve device page looks looks like this:


I would like to get a tile presenting all my valves and for each one present the last_watering_duration, last_watering_date and the device label.
Problem is - when using the Device Group opition all of the device attributes are not available in the Variable field to choose from:

Am I doing something wrong?

BTW, I could find them in the Free From option but I could not find a way to assign more than one device to a form.