[RELEASE] The Flasher - Flash your lights based on several triggers

Version updated. Getting an error now.

Take a look at that child app and make sure that a device is selected. Notice in the log it says, working on null.


I checked the child app and a device was selected for the 4 presets I have set. I deleted that child and recreated it and got the same result/error.

Child App settings:

Okay, I'll take a look at in a bit. Crazy day getting goats and chickens ready for 18" of snow. :flushed:

Try the new version on GitHub...

1.2.3 - 01/29/22 - Adjustments to Presets


Still getting a setInitialState error. I could be missing it, but I don't see anywhere I can configure that (guessing that variable is there to capture what the bulb was before the script ran?)

New version on GitHub...

1.2.4 - 01/30/22 - Big change to presets, now only allows one preset per child app.

For anyone that was using the presets. Please make a new child app/device for each preset you want. Be sure to adjust any app that uses that present and select the new corresponding device.


Thank you for your work!

Is an update also needed on your MLB/NHL apps for selecting the proper individual flasher preset?

Or is there a trick to use the current UI to select which preset triggers for a goal home or away?

How will this work now for like home tracker 2? It asks for a present number but there is none?
A new device per child.

Patience, I'm updating each app to reflect the changes. :wink:

Edit: Both have been updated.


I did the update this morning before I left for a few days so knew you were getting to it, it was more a question but it did come over quite demanding :rofl: sorry.

Question was the last bit. Is the preset the device with your driver you select now?

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Each Preset is now a separate child app with a new device. From other apps, select the device for the preset that you want to run.

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Man you're quick.

I updated the NHL and MLB apps and can confirm the new flasher child app selection is working.

I suspect there is still a bug in the Flasher though as what I'm getting when testing:

  • Reinstalled/reconfigured the NHL and Flasher Apps
  • Click the Test MyTeam Score Button in the NHL app
  • The light waits for whatever number of seconds is configured in the Flasher Child "Seconds for lights to be on/off"
  • The light doesn't flash while waiting.
  • When the number of seconds expires from bullet 2, the light turns on even if it was off before the test. The color is whatever color was last used.

In these logs, the light turned on after 10 seconds.

shhhh.... :upside_down_face:

New version on GitHub...

1.2.5 - 02/01/22 - More changes

Flasher is working mucho better now. Testing through the NHL score turns the light on and off per the number set. Awesome!

I have noticed that it is not saving the prior state of the light correctly. e.g. the light is off -> the test is run and flashing completes -> The light stays on at whatever color it was last set to.

Light Log:

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@bptworld I know you're not a fan of button triggers generally... but ... :wink:

Any interest in adding an enhancement to the button support in The Flasher? Specifically, the option to choose the button number on devices w/multiple buttons, where those multiple buttons aren't available/selectable as separate devices? E.g., Pico is one example, and in a particular odd case I have, an energy monitor that has a driver that creates two virtual buttons for it.

Something like what's in Simple Automations when you choose a button as the trigger - Simple Automations determines how many buttons are available on the device and then lets you enter which of those virtual buttons you want to use as the trigger:


You got it.

New version available...

1.2.6 - 03/03/22 - Added Button number, Other minor changes

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Can you also rename the app? My wife doesn't like me having something called "The Flasher" constantly showing up on my computer. :wink:

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In a future update, could you please check the part of the app that restores the previous state of the flashed light?

I'm finding that the light stays on regardless of it being off before a flasher trigger event.

Thank you!

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New version available...

1.2.7 - 03/04/22 - Changes to Reset old value