[DEPRECATED] Tasmota 7.x/8.x firmware for Hubitat + Tuya, Sonoff and other drivers

This sounds like the capabilities are not set correctly in my drivers to be compatible. I'm sure someone with experience with this among the devs would know. I'll look at it tomorrow.

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This seems to be an issue with HE integration with Alexa:

Don't think there is much that can be done, except making a driver which doesn't expose the non-lights even as switches... Not sure how that will go with Alexa or everything else for that matter.

Ok, can't see that driver since it requires a login, but yes, of course, if anyone would get it right it is him :slight_smile: I'll sort it out

Edit: @anon81541053 Could you try removing the capability "Actuator" form the driver? If that is not it, the issue is something completely different and I'd need to ask someone... Maybe @anon61068208 knows what I should change to make the drivers Google Home compatible?

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I do not think the issue is HE because when I was using the power strip with the Tuya firmware and the Smartlift app under HE control they worked fine. Since I have flashed them with the Tasmota firmware and driver that I have had the issue.

Is a"catchall" and nearly all drivers have this.

If that is the case you can remove the "switch" capability and leave the "Light" capability in and see if that makes a difference.

With Alexa you can switch the type from a switch to light but I guess google home doesn't allow that.

@anon61068208 The question is what I have done differently to your driver? I don't use neither Google home nor Alexa (no cloud in my house...)

@anon81541053 and @plumsden, do tell me how it goes with changing the capabilities. If you find a set of capabilites that work, I can change the driver. Though a quick search in the forum shows that there are times when devices can get mixed up in Google Home/Alexa, but maybe those issues are gone and it's just my driver that is wrong?

Which driver of yours is in question ? I guess I missed the relative issue here.

It is not made 100% clear, but the one to check against is the Generic Switch driver. And since all drivers share most of the code except some particulars, it's a good starting point until @anon81541053 and @plumsden can update us on exactly which driver they are using? Shared code is pulled in from a "library" of sorts when building the driver. I do not have the light capability added to that driver. Should I? It is actually a capability I've not set on any of my drivers yet. Just been using "switch" and other capabilities needed to get the right functionality within Hubitat.

You should be using Light or Bulb instead of switch. Switch is left over from my original code and I just started removing that from most of my drivers.

Are you using the device for a light bulb ? Is so change line 25 from switch to either Light or Bulb.

Ok, even for devices witch are used to switch non-lights? I use most of my plugs/wall-switches for things which have nothing to do with lights... I will update my drivers which are for lights and remove "switch" from them, and if the recommendation is to do so for all, I'll do that as well, won't take more than a few minutes.

Switch/Light/Bulb have the exact same functions on/off so when you are using the device as a non-switch then it needs to be Light or Bulb. Alexa will automatically choose Light for the device then.

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What I have started doing in my driver is adding the capability "Switch" and "Light" and I believe the way Alexa works is when that is detected Alexa will allow you to change the device type from a switch to light. At least in my testing it does.

I need to test a new device and make sure that switch/light as capabilities do allow Alexa allow you to change the device type.

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Ok, I will do so as well, devices which can't be used for anything except lights (like an RGB controller) I will put only lights, devices that can be either, I will put both. Sounds right?

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RGB also needs capability "ColorControl" along with Light

Yes, that it does have, so far it's only the Lights vs Switch capability I've not gotten down right, most others I need the capability commands, so those I don't miss...

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I couldn't explain that. I don't have google home to test with.

Functionality wise having both switch and light capabilities shouldn't have any harmful effects IMO.

Yes, at least not in Hubitat, it is more an integration issue, and that I find very hard to keep track of, especially since I don't integrate with any cloud services... They don't work very well here in China anyway...

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My RGB driver only has Light and ColorControl now.. I completely removed the switch capability since its not a switch at all.

Ok, I have removed switch from mine as well. I have ColorControl, ColorTemperature and SwitchLevel on top of that, since it is supposed to handle the RGB+CW+WW as well...

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