I modified my 2.4g setting to disable 20/40 MHz Coexistence and this has improved the connection time to my AP. This is new with v.7.1.2. I have been using these things for over six months with v.6.5 basic with no issues with the router setting.
It still appears that it defaults to to wificonfig = 2 because i am still getting at least a three minute delay:
2 = set Wi-Fi Manager as the current configuration tool and start Wi-Fi Manager (web server at for 3 minutes, then reboot and try to connect Wi-Fi network
It requires some polishing, and some documentation. To get constant updates a rule need to be added to Tasmota:
Rule1 ON SR04#Distance DO status 8; endon
Rule1 1
This makes distance updates almost instant, BUT if all of that would be generating an event in Hubitat, we would not have a happy hub. Right now I only update if the change is more than 0.5cm... I also allow setting the decimal precision to minimize amount of updates...
Used the new tasmota-generic-pm-plug-parent-expanded and it works with the power strip with 4 sockets and usb, that I have just converted over to tasmota.
Also made an rflink a while ago might see if I can get it up and running sometime when I have got into this a little more.
Also you have drivers showing RF/IR in description, how is the IR implemented?
Looking forward to hearing about your progress with that. As far as I know only myself have tried that integration so far.
The child devices can be used with the IR parent device, just that I haven’t released the parent device drivers yet. Maybe in a few days if I find a few monents.
@markus were you able to make any progress with the Tuya MCU? Can you clarify what the issues with the WF500D are.
I recently installed 2 in my basement and want to flash with Tuya. Perhaps I can be of assistance in resolving issues, just need to know what the problems are.
I suspect alot of issues can be resolved via the proper commands, found here:
The first issue is that I don't have such a device yet, and it is too time consuming to do this without my own device. I have ordered one, but it will not arrive until Monday. Once I get it, it will not take long to get it to work. Most devices would be fine to do without having one, but this one needs some special handling.
So as it is now, the commands sent are not right. Thank you for offering to help, I'll be very happy for feedback once I have updated the driver with the use of my dimmer arriving on Monday.
The problem I foresee (correct me if Im wrong) in making Tuya MCU drivers is that the dimmer function (as an example) is going to vary from device to device, thus I dont think a "generic dimmer" solution will work.
In the video I "linked" in post, you can see the different dpId used (generally 2 or 3 as posted on the MCU wiki), as well as the different dimmer ranges. Obviously users could/will have to, configure this in the webconsole of Tasmota.
I will await your trials and am available should you want anything tested or logs provided.
Yes, that is a bit of the problem, but I intend to make it possible to configure this from inside the driver and also make specific drivers setting the correct values for known dimmers.
I will also publish my driver for a TuyaMCU curtain motor wall switch in a bit, had to write some rules to get it to function nicely in Tasmota... Little by little I'll be adding devices...
I have successfully been able to use Tasmota-Basic to flash the device with Tuya Convert (OTA).
I then attempted to flash your Tasmota-Hubitat.bin but I got a buffer error on my attempt. I have not tried again yet, instead I moved on to see if the device was configurable...
I have enabled Tuya MCU, got the device to give a heartbeat, and got Dimmer function working.
You could try the RGB driver... Apart from that, does the Dimmer command work in the Tasmota console? "Dimmer 0", "Dimmer 50", "Dimmer 100"? If so, I'll see if I can fix the driver well enough to be functional at least, until I receive mine and can fix it 100%.
04:40:36 CMD: dimmer 75
04:40:36 SRC: WebConsole from
04:40:36 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "DIMMER", Data "75"
04:40:36 RSL: stat/tasmota/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON","Dimmer":75}
I tried import via RGB driver and was able to import the device into Hubitat but obviously alot of variables shown that dont function. I dont see a dim option, is that "Set Level" as a temporary solution?
Hmm, ok, I’ll make the dimmer driver work and publish a new one later today. Not at home right now. Try the set level part. First press white. It could work.
No worries. I am in Mountain timezone so just headed to bed here.
The "set level" using the generic RGB/RGBW Controler/Bulb/Dimmer does work for changing the dim level, and on/off does work as well.
Let me know if you want or need any more data, I will likely reply to this thread again in about 10 hours.
My dimmer just arrived, when you wake up there will be a driver
@robmurphy73 There's a new TuyaMCU Wifi dimmer driver in the repo, it should work as expected, though it can't be used to configure Tasmota automatically. That will have to be another day, I don't have much time today.
I wasnt sure which one you intended for usage, so I added the WF500D driver from your repo today and it appears to be working. On/Off responds correctly, and "set level" does work and device responds to values input.
What do you mean with the "configure Tasmota automatically" piece of your reply?
I already had the device within Hubitat via the generic driver import, so I changed the type to the driver WF500D.
The parts you have already done identifying the correct function id, setting dimming range and so on. These are things I want to add to the driver as well. That way there is no need to use the console.
That is fine, either will work since you’ve already setup Tasmota with fnId and dimming range.