[RELEASE] Switch Dashboard - "Turn your HomeSeer and Inovelli dimmers into mini-dashboards"

I second that! :slight_smile: I use the notification types a lot (ex.: pulse/chase red when garage door open, blink the same color when there is a problem.)

@MFornander, do you know if those notification types can be passed to the Inovelli switches?

Thanks for noticing! I spent an extra day or two to add comments and simplify the code, but not too much since Groovy has some crazy shortcuts.

I'll look into it right away! I had a few ideas where to take it next but I'd like for users to guide where to take it. It's a bit of a balance in the UI since HomeSeer has 7 LEDs, 7 colors, and one effect (blink)... while Inovelli has one LED, 256 colors, and many effects.

Could you open up a feature request (enhancement issue) on GitHub so I can start tracking requests and bugs? Just reference your post here in the feature request since it was a nice write-up!

Yeah I had to reverse engineer the Inovelli notification value to mimic the HomeSeer colors. I think I'll add a dedicated "Inovelli advanced section" that would override the simple color selection if used and if Inovelli switches are selected. Let me see what I can brew up. Trying to keep the UI from blowing up.

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New v1.10 pushed just now :slight_smile:


Wow! What a great and simple solution! I really like that I will be able to get rid of a bunch of rules. Love the almost infinit notification options offered by this app. Thank you so much for taking the time to develop it.

Like others, I love the great comments in the code!

Some feedback/requests:

  • Is there some way to add the awesome Inovelli toolbox link directly in the settings description (same screen where the result is input)? That would make it slightly more intuitive to use, I think.

  • I noticed that the importUrl is not working properly when trying to update the app via an import (the field doesn’t populate). Others like @markus have been able to make it work, and looking at their code, I think the following has to be added on line 1 (Sample from his Tasmota for Hubitat Manager):
    // IMPORT URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/markus-li/Hubitat/release/apps/expanded/tasmota-device-manager-expanded.groovy

Again, thank you for this!

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This is great, I have a bunch of rules I'm sure like you did controlling mine. But this would simplify it!

I'm not seeing where to set "blink" for the Homeseer? I see the configuration value parameter but that doesn't seem to be working. As an example for a door open I use (x,1,1) x for location and 1 for red and 1 for blink.

For some reason, the program is not recognizing my Inovelli V2 switches or dimmers. I initially thought it may be because I was using Inovelli's driver rather than the Hubitat supplied ones, so I changed them over but got the same issue.

I get the following error in my logs (repeated 7 times each):

app:1569 2020-05-15 11:01:08.803 error Kitchen Center Light is not a usable HomeSeer or Inovelli device (ID:590, Name:'Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN' Type:'Inovelli Z-Wave Smart Scene Dimmer')
app:1569 2020-05-15 11:01:08.781 error Den Computer Light is not a usable HomeSeer or Inovelli device (ID:34, Name:'inovelli Red Series' Type:'Inovelli Z-Wave Smart Scene Switch S2')

Any ideas?

I'm using the Inovelli one too since that's the one providing the setNotification function. What version of the Inovelli driver did you use? It needs a daily recent one since that function was added around March this year.

Open up an Enhancement Request on GirHub and I'll add it :slight_smile:

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Good ideas. Open up a bug report and Enhancement Request on GitHub and I'll fix it. The import URL never populated from code for me. It just kept my previous paste but I'll see if I fat-fingered something.

I'm also adding this to Hubatat Package Manager the next few days to make updating easier.


Both of the referenced drivers are not the official Inovelli drivers


One I got from Inovelli in November I think... Confirmed. They were both from end of 2019.

Will do!

I'll got the latest ones and now it works. Thanks!


Are "Pull requests" in github Enhancement Requests?


Great idea!!!

No head over to https://github.com/MFornander/Hubitat/issues and label the issue "bug" or "enhancement". Easier to keep track of stuff, than to scan through this thread. Thanks!

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@MFornander excellent app. I've been wanting to use the Innovelli LED bars on my two Dimmers since the day I got them. I just never spent the time to mess with figuring it out.

5 minutes, 2 imports, 1 Add app, and a couple of selections in a drop-down, and now when I open the garage door, the LEDs turn red. Fantastic.

Great work! Thanks!


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Awesome! I would really love to report better error log entries here but I couldn't find any way to get device metadata such as version or importUrl from a selected device. Any devs here that know how to check if a selected device is running a recent driver from Inovelli?

Actually I guess I could look at the device.typeName entry and see if it matches the driver names from Inovelli and not the stock HE drivers. Hmmm... filing an enhancement request against myself...

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FYI, I added blink support as an LED option, implemented for both HomeSeer and Inovelli just now.

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This is a mess.

So there is an HE stock driver for the switch named:
"Inovelli Z-Wave Smart Scene Switch S2"
That name is confusing since S2 usually means security, but in this case I think it means Gen2?

There is no HE stock driver for the S2/Gen2 dimmer...

The HE Stock Switch S2 driver has a command called: "setIndicator" that refers to the notification calculator but I only have a Gen2 (S2) dimmer, and switches and dimmers use different z-wave params, so I can't test it.

The official Inovelli drivers use a command called "startNotification".

This is really messy to write apps that use this LED (not getting started on different bytes for effects depending on switch vs dimmer).

@Eric_Inovelli could you add a compatibility setIndicator function on your driver? I doubt HE will change theirs to match yours? Also, I don't understand why there is a stopNotification since there is 0x00=Effect Off, as an option in the startNotiication config value?

Tagging @ericm