[RELEASE] Switch Dashboard - "Turn your HomeSeer and Inovelli dimmers into mini-dashboards"

Sure just open up an issue on GitHub and I'll look at it:
Issues · MFornander/Hubitat · GitHub

v1.7: Add valve sensor type, set debug to false by default, update Inovelli info text on brightness

Note that I don't have any valves, nor could I find a Virtual Valve device, so couldn't test it properly. SmartThings^D^D^D^D^D^DHubitat capabilities/attributes are a little inconsistent how they sometimes append "Sensor" sometimes so not 100% but it should work. Let me know.

Added some more info on how brightness is controlled in the new Inovelli effect UI. The Inovelli toolbox has a dedicated slider while I used the color box vertical selection (the 2D, not the Hue) to control brightness. Not perfect since saturation is ignored on the horizontal axis, but works once you know.

Once updated it worked. Thanks.

Actually we are just about to start the process of re-certifying our switch and dimmer so I'm not yet sure on how difficult it is. There is a cost involved which may prevent some companies.

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Just a quick tip about something that I didn't test until now:
"Using 'Off' as an explicit LED state"

In addition to colors, you can also select the 'Off" state of the LED as a result of your condition. This doesn't mean the condition is disabled but rather that the LED will turn off if the condition is active and wins the priority race. What use is this? Glad you asked :slight_smile:

One Use Case I have one LED showing the state of the balcony entrance. There are big solid doors and screen doors. Initially I just wanted the LED show yellow if the big doors were open. Then I wanted the LED to show green if the screen doors were closed AND the big doors were open, to signal that, yeah the doors are open but it's not as bad a yellow = wide open.

You can do this using the 'Off" Color and some priorities:
#1: Priority=0, Color=Green, Condition=Big Door Open
#2: Priority=1, Color=Yellow, Condition=Screen Door Open
#3: Priority=2, Color=Off, Condition=Big Door Closed

This means: LED will be off if the big door is closed, regardless of the screen door. (Using closed state to trigger and overrides any lower priorities).

Otherwise it will be yellow if the screen door is open (and implicitly the big door open too, or LED would be off).

Otherwise it will be green if the screen door is closed (and implicitly the big door is open, or LED would be off).


@MFornander...I was playing around with this and like the idea of making it easy to setup multiple notifications....here is my generic list....

I like the way configuration of the effect and color works for your app. I would like to trigger the effects in Rule Machine. I could create a Virtual Device to trigger the Switch Dashboard but I would need 1 Virtual Device for each Defined Notification I have setup. Wondering about options then:

  1. Have an option in Switch Dashboard to automatically create a Virtual Device for a defined Dashboard.
  2. Maybe the context for a different App?
  3. Is there a better way?

Essentially it comes down to this: If my freezer door is open too long I issue an Audio announcement and would like to trigger a specific dashboard. I like the idea of having only these dashboards setup, not creating a dashboard for each trigger scenario.

Thanks for your effort and time on this!


Let me think about this. Thanks for both describing the setup and for the options!

Keeping the Model (logic) and View (LED states) separate was key to keeping the UI sane and I don't see a clean obvious direction but I appreciate the need.

One option would be to fire an event with the updated LED state but it "smells" since at that point you have lost the semantics behind the dashboard change. It would work but the RM4 logic would be listening LED colors and not fridge open state. Hmmm...

Curious, have you updated the app to use the new "White" option for the Inovelli Dimmers on v 1.45 Firmware? I have it selected in the App as 255,255,255 but they show Red instead.

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I just tried it with version : 1.7.0

  • Using the Color setting "White" will display the Red color.
  • Using the "alternate Inovelli notification"`s Effect "Solid" Color "White" - nothing displayed.

Also, the Inovelli toolbox doesn't yet have white as an option...

I was told the Inovelli Toolbox will be updated with the white options as soon as the firmwares are out of beta and become official.

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I have seen them in beta for a while now... I wonder when they will go out of beta...?

Great app! Would be nice to have a garage door option for the sensor. Currently using RM to change notifications based on the door in the opening or closing states.

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I'll see what I can do. Can you open a GitHub ticket?

Yeah saw the beta release notes and waiting for it to become official before making the changes.

Open an issue here and I'll look at it:

Yeah I’ll dig up my github account. I had figured out the changes to make to get it to work, so I’ve got it working on my own now. Not a groovy expert, so not sure things are done in an ideal way, but I’ll include what I did if it’s useful.

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I'm using it to tell me when the garage door is open. I'll second that request for the notification to indicate when the door is opening or closing. That would be nice to have! :slight_smile:

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@MFornander I included the basic modifications I made to facilitate this, not sure if it makes sense, tried to cobble something together given the wiki and your existing code.


I love what I am seeing! So many of my RM rules could just go away. This also makes adding switches/dimmers in my house so much easier. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Maybe I missed this? But are Inovelli's Fan/Light switches (LZW-36) going to be added to the list of supported devices?


Probably, but I'm pretty tired of the Inovelli engineering team after they decided to randomly add a 3rd variant of the effects for the fan/switch combo :frowning:

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