[RELEASE] Simple Kitchen Timer with Controls for use with Dashboards

So, not gonna fix the problem? I take it it works fine on the Android versions, but not iPhone?

Edit: @bptworld, I did further debugging on the issue. The issue appears to be with using the dashboard via the cloud. If I go to the local "http://192.168.1.xx" URL and access the dashboard that way, it works fine. However, if I login through the cloud to the dashboard, it simply does not work. That may be more the issue than iPhone vs Android.

Unfortunately, I would have no idea on how to fix this, I'm not a professional programmer and everything I do takes a lot of time. Time is something I take pretty seriously lately.

If someone wants to take a crack at it, please (as always) feel free to play around with the code. If you can get it to work, I'll gladly add it in.

As you well should. Completely understand.

My use case involves being able to start a timer when I am away from home; so, the dashboard not working via the cloud is a deal killer for me. Let me ask this of anyone monitoring this thread - has anyone used the Android app (away from home) and does it work for them. I think I know the answer already (it would not work), but would like confirmation if possible.

I hate not being able to do something...

Try the new version on GitHub... Let me know how it goes

Added Cloud control.

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Yup, this one works like a charm, thanks!

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Hi @bptworld - Thank you for this great app that I'm using in my kitchen dashboard.

I'm not getting a message played to my Google Mini at the 10 second warning and at the end of the timer. Both apps are at latest version. I've also hit 'done' wherever possible to ensure everything is updated properly. I have Follow-Me installed and set up.

I'm seeing this message in the error logs (device 34 is my Google Mini):

Make sure your on the latest version of follow me (app and driver). Then show me a debug log of follow me.


Edit: I just made a small change to the Follow Me driver (2.3.4). Hopefully this helps.

Thanks Bryan. Away for a few days now so will check when I get back. Cheers.

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