[RELEASE] Popp Z-Rain Sensor



  • Availability of all device parameters
  • Driver automatic version check (every 7 days at noon)
  • Configurable logging levels

Status: Fully tested and working

Todo: For the moments it's just raw data, I will be adding some aggregation over days, months...

Download: GitHub



I'm wounding if I should get one of these rain sensor.

I would like to see past rain amount on the dashboard and get notifications if amount exceeds X mm

I assume this is the driver, what about an app?

Should I buy?

Very nice driver, I've just installed it, and it went like a charm! Thank you !

Do you have an idea why I can't find the installed Rain device in InfluxDB Logger list ? I think it misses some "rain*" capabilities in this logger code (Im using the InfluxDB Logger latest official code), but do you have a clue where I could patch/hack it to add those counters. Just a quick advice/help would be really appreciated, I'm learning I can do some RTMF too :wink:

Or shall I try to turn off and on the Hub again ?



Forget it and pardon me, please forget my question, I just found my stupid mistake : I didn't manage to select it in the "Device to Manage" list in the InfluxDb logger list, I was on drugs....

"Noob un jour, Noob toujours !" Well done anyway for your driver, it's perfect.


Thanks, I have something working on my side but really have not had the time to document and publish the code. Hope I can take some time in the following weeks

Hi, This is my first z-wave/zigbee hub and just starting to learn.

I have few system discovered devices working perfect. But I am stuck with z-rain. I added the driver, then following docs also added the virtual device. Regardless with or without virtual device hub does not see the POPP Z-RAIN when I try to include it.

Would any one be kind to tell me what am I missing ? I resetted to factory default, swapped batteries and nothing. On the device I see this state:

State Variables

  • driverInfo : {ver=1.1.2, configSynced=false, status=Current version}
  • deviceInfo : {lastbatt=1622986672586}

Also in github for the driver there was json and groovy ... I just use only raw groovy.

Many thx,

@robert13: Are you sure that is the correct z-wave frequency? It could be that the Hub is using a different frequency from the device. If this is the case, there's no so much to do, because the devices are working on 2 different frequencies.

@syepes: Is still working? I don't find any reference to this particular device in your GitHub page. I'm thinking to buy one because I don't need a big WeatherStation but I also wouldn't to depend from an online service.

@syepes : sorry, I'm bit blind. Doing too many things together is not for me. I've just seen in the list. Thanks!

No problem, but just to confirm its working with C4 and C7 without any issue

Super, thank you!

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