[RELEASE] Panasonic AC - Comfort Cloud


  • Full device discovery and pre-selection
  • Hierarchical device import and actions (Group -> Device)
  • All Groups and Devices attributes are collected
  • Configurable logging levels
  • Scheduled State Check
  • Automated installation with HPM

Status: Fully tested and working

Todo: Nothing for the moment

Download: GitHub

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Hi There, i cant get it to work... the App connects and sees my Airconditon, but no devices are created...

when creating a manual virtual device with the panasonic driver, nothing gets registered either..?

what do i do wrong?

Your device must be of another type as the ones I have tested with.

Please PM or email me the full output of the application state details, so I can debug and fix the issue:


Please send me ths full texts group and device details fields, thats what I need to find the issue

I have installed using HPM, successfully logged in

App logs:

Looks like it fails to create devices due to above error. I see above @diondp having same error and you requested " full texts group and device details fields", how do I get those in Hubitat for your app?

Any other suggestion will be greatly appreciated

Hi @syepes I see you updated app (HPM told me there is an update). I installed it and now, device and child device (as named in home comfort app) have been created (screenshot):
I can now switch it OFF using AC01 device, but once it's switched Off, I can't switch it on using device and I see following logs:

Thank you for update, it's seems so something working but not everything...

it's again giving same error

deviceDetail HashMap {CS-NZ25VKE+4971106100={deviceType=3, modeAvlList={autoMode=1}, coordinableFlg=false, modelVersion=1, groupId=83275, summerHouse=0, permission=2, autoMode=true, deviceName=stue, nanoeStandAlone=false, groupName=My House, deviceGuid=CS-NZ25VKE+4971106100, temperatureUnit=0, name=stue, deviceModuleNumber=CS-NZ25VKE, deviceHashGuid=a17371bcd1ee652d488bd3a2ec2d899d452587edb944cfb37ffd40af714c56f5, id=CS-NZ25VKE+4971106100}}

groupDetail HashMap {83275={groupName=My House, groupId=83275, name=My House, id=83275}}

I'm trying to log in in the app, but keep getting error "Unable to connect to Comfort Cloud, double check your credentials. Click Next". Any known issues?

Using e-mail an PW, have triple checked that it is correct.

it needs 2FA, since the update of the comfort cloud app. somebody who's able to adapt this driver to that?

Quite keen to see if anyone has an update for this as I am having the system installed today and was hoping to intergrate into my home sytem.

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Hi @syepes is there any chance an update can be put on for the 2FA?

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