[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

Not sure why but since the last few updates my cell updates perfect but the wife stops in the afternoon when she's is away at work I have them both set for move, both are androids it was working perfect not sure what would have change to stop her updates. Should I delete the app from her phone and re install it?

What is displayed on the presence tile battery field *

Yeah, that's funny I didn't notice that. Is this because the battery field is displayed somewhere on the default dashboard so this is a way to customize that?

just toyed and sure enough - bingo bango - got it. Setting to 'Battery %' on the HE device- then forcing the cell OT to update worked great! I'm thankful.

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I frankly don't remember the background...need @lpakula to step in w/actual knowledge. :wink:

I know for me that batter level of my phone isn't something I need/want in the integration - I can just look at my phone or check on my watch. I get that others may want it to monitor family members' battery (especially kids) so they don't run out of juice and become invisble...

I recall that that it was set up this way because, pre HTML map tile that was developed, the device defaulted to showing the phones battery state and users wanted location, among other things, instead. I know I preferred location as I didn't need HE to monitor my phones battery level.

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Hey buddy no one needs you here showing off your memory and all that. Sheesh...


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It's one of the few things I can remember. Most days my wife has to pin a note on my shirt, if found and he doesn't know where he lives, have him committed.

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The legacy HE presence tiles display "battery" at the top of them, but it's actually a text field. These ones:

Initially I missed the battery capability on the driver -- that was the "root of pain" for why it wasn't showing for other apps.

As per design. Exact same thing that happens taking your car into the shop! :joy:


In rare occasions I have seen the 2.4.x version of the Android getting hung up on "no new locations" and fails to give any more. You just need to force close/open the app again (or restart the phone).

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Thanks, I did restart the app on her phone also rebooted her phone which seems to work ok for the rest of the evening and part of the day I can see it update in both recorder and on the hubitat app. I also see it in life 360 when i try to update it comes back unable tofind phone, this is new never had this issue before and ran life 360 for over a year. So you're thought is something with the phone update?

Is the the life360 issue inside Hubitat? Or on the phone app? From the other thread it sounded like life360 was slowly "rotting" on the HE side as they turned down their API link. :frowning:

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No i remove life 360 some time ago from Hubitat its only on the phones for testing and comparing with OwnTracks.

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Everything is working.

So borrrrring...


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I agree.. What do you want me to break? :crazy_face:


This thread has been unusually quiet lately :sleeping:

I'm impatiently waiting the update that brings mass chaos again :joy:

It's making me miss the days of 80 unread messages when I check after work :sunglasses:


I think this is an issue with the Owntracks app in Android. Curious are you using the play store version or the custom APK in post #2? Not sure it makes a difference though.

This did happen to me last week (play store version). Oddly, the night before (while home) I noticed the Owntracks notification on my phone didn't display the address I was at in the header like it normally does. I didn't think anything of it at the time, and just left it alone. The next day I left, and decided to check it while away to realize it didn't update at all on my drive. I can't remember if I manually refreshed or reboot then refreshed, but got the notification I was not present afterwards.

I did notice one time later the address wasn't showing again, and I believe I manually refreshed and it began showing as intended. When I left after that, it was working normally. Keep an eye on that (if you have the persistent notification enabled), might be a quick way to 'catch it in the act'!

I believe this is more of an issue on the Owntracks side of things, rather than an issue with the Hubitat app/driver.

Hopefully the devs for Owntracks are able to pinpoint the issue and resolve it, I'm not sure there is anything @lpakula can do here, since I don't believe it is Hubitat/integration related.

I have been thinking of a way to potentially use Tasker to reboot the app daily. Most likely at night, when the phone is charging. This would hopefully prevent the app from getting stuck for too long without realizing it. I haven't tried executing this in Tasker yet (not sure it is fully feasible without a rooted phone), but I'll share if I find a way.

My wife's phone on IOS has been pretty solid this whole time. Seems to update quickly to present/not present. Only thing I noticed is it doesn't update the battery level if she isn't moving. Which I assume it is intended to be that way to preserve battery.

Interestingly, I noticed the same thing with my Pixel 8 Pro and the side-loaded APK this afternoon. OwnTracks was no longer running in the background. I opened OwnTracks and manually clicked on the update button at the top right. I checked a few hours later when I looked at the Recorder and nothing had been recorded for several hours. I restarted the phone and things are now back to normal. Not sure what's going on here...

It looks like there has been a lot of software changes coming in the 2.5 version of Android. Hopefully that addresses this issue.


Thanks I might reinstall the app on her phone to see if this helps, again my phone seems to work solid S21 FE 5G her S21 5G will stop updating seems random more late afternoon today she's is off I will play around to see if I can figure it out this only started in the last week so none of the presence automation will work for her.