[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

That's what I'm guessing. Wasn't sure if you were able to try it out

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Sorry everyone. @es_ferret mentioned that I missed the main "members" element in the JSON response from the URL request. I broke the manifest last night with the release notes which prevented HPM from serving up the new version.

If you check now, 1.8.4 is available for download.


Thank you!


No need to say sorry

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Owntracks means never having to say you're sorry. :wink:


Ok fair! :joy:

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Quick question, I just happened to notice my daughters OT address/location showing weird state:

address : 5VM5+JG

I have not yet upgraded and OT app is version 1.8.2
Before this location, it shows in event history with normal addresses for locations.


I used the map function in the OT device and then opened that location in google maps and found the same ID. Turns out this is a "plus code"

Plus Codes work similar to street addresses. They can help you get and use a simple digital address. They can also help you define a specific location for a conventional address. For example, you can identify different entrances to the same building.

So should the OT location/address be presenting as Plus Codes over the actual street address?

Short answer "no". I'll have to see where they inject that into the address. Could you go to her OT device, and PM me what "address:" is showing?

Sorry I missed this message. Too late to grab details from the iphone. And I dont have events set high enough for it to have a 24hr log history.

No worries. If you see it again, please let me know. I'll look on my side as well to see how Google shows those address plus codes.

EDIT: Reading the google docs, it sounds like they will use the plus codes if there is no address for that location -- so what you see "is correct". But if you can confirm what the device "address" field displays, I can confirm. I suspect it only has a "plus code" and nothing more.

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What setting or settings in the more recent versions might be causing this?

Went to the store and back home. OT device reported back at home before leaving the store.

Nothing on the OT HE app would cause that. That looks to be on the phone side. If you check the logs on the OT mobile app, it should show those coming out of order, and why it got delayed.

I see a few different errors in the logs on the phone:

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "cloud.hubitat.com": No address associated with hostname

java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort

GMSLocationProviderClient$singleHighAccuracyLocation/invoke/52: No location available for single high accuracy request. Device location disabled?

java.io.IOException: unexpected end of stream on https://cloud.hubitat.com/...

That sounds like it was having issues calling home to the hubitat cloud. Maybe a internet connectivity issue that caused it?

I started using OwnTracks just yesterday, so if my question is dumb, I am sorry.
My son turns off his phone when he's at school and sometimes he doesn't even turn on the phone in the morning before school.
So when he's at school , his presence is reported "present" but that's not correct.
Is there a setting which would accept the user "not present" after X minutes/hours of the last location update ?

I see this one:

Number of days after which location updates from friends are assumed stale and removed (0..7), Recommended=7*

but the minimum is 1 days. I need minutes or hours.

Do automation by using Webcore or rule machine. IF lastlocationtime is not updated in 2 minutes THEN set presence "not present". (=departed)


If you are worried about rule running outside school time then narrow it to certain time of the certain days (except weekends).

@lpakula by the way is there a possibility to "triggersource manual" from Hubitat as it is possible from Owntracks Android app?

Can you explain this more? Not sure I follow. Thanks!

That's a bit of chicken/egg one. What if they are home, but have their phone off? In this case "present" is the correct value.

The stale locations setting is only for the mobile app. I believe that just removes friends from the app if they haven't sent a report back in that period of time.

In Android app when you push arrow to update your location to server it changes locationtrigger "state" from ping to manual.
Is it possible to add that arrow action under owntracks hubitat device so that user can manually ask client to update its location. I think you are doing it already under the maintenance and sync, but because it is not a command button under a device it cannot be used as action in webcore.