[DEPRECATED] NOAA Weather Alerts

@spalexander68 Make sure not to over customize in the advanced options as others have done. Go with the basics first such as weather severity (moderate, severe and/or extreme). Don’t worry about certainty, weather alert type or urgency. I am finding that all the granular options are making my app not as useful as people are selecting everything and causing the weather api to return a null/zero result set.

Let me know how it goes!

Thanks for the heads up. I have Severe and Extreme selected as severity, and tornado warning as specific weather event. I removed the options for certainty. However, for urgency, it requires me to enter an option. Should I select Immediate, Expected, or Future, or do I need to select them all?

I would select immediate and expected.

Done. Thanks again.

Just received my first Alert since using the app, worked great! Thanks for this (living in tornado alley weather alerts are a must have)

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Maybe you want to re-release the "original" simple version as NOAA Simple Alerts :smiley: :smiley:


Out of curiosity how do the alerts clear from the dashboard tile? As the alert I received earlier expired 2.5 hours ago?

Should clear once there isn’t any alerts.

The easiest way to ensure your NOAA app is working correctly is to uninstall and reinstall with below version. The app became complex very quickly and this version simplified the app for 90% of the users while allowing those who do want advanced configuration options to do so.

Screenshot of announced alert just today:

2.1.7 - moved options around into appropriate categories to support simple installation, added warning and URL to weather.gov for advanced configuration testing, removed required fields for simple install of NOAA

It doesn't, the previous alert stays present as the dashboard tile, until a new alert is issued. The screenshot alert expired 10 hours ago, but is still present as the dashboard tile.


Later today I will get this fixed.


@waynespringer79, looks like you were up in the area with some naders yesterday. Ya'll make out all right? I'm in Chickasha and missed us to the east.

I never got to hear this app give me a warning.

We had a few of those all around us in southwest Mo. Luckily they missed us.

2.1.8 - fixed NOAA Dashboard Tile to reset after user predefined time, fixed bug with repeating the alert

Ya I think there were around 9 of them, one I watched go directly over my house then touched down about 10 miles away.....used to it by now, I don't even where a helmet anymore....

Thanks @aaron got it updated we'll see how she works come the next storms

Download the new driver too. I added scrolling capabilities. :slight_smile:

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New app and driver updates as the code I deployed last night had a massive bug.

2.1.9 - support for updated NOAA Tile Driver

NOAA Driver:
1.2.0 - rewrite of the driver app (again) for better optimization, automate disabling of logging

I posted this in another thread but I was asked to post it here also.
From previous post:
"We just received a severe thunderstorm warning here so that worked great...Thank you!
I have the poll frequency set to 5 minutes and the repeat alerts set to 3 minutes. We got one alert but no repeats. A setting?"
Aaron has advised that this is fixed in version 2.2.0 of the App.

Let me know if the test alert works for you. If it does then the same code will work next time a real alert occurs.