[Release] New BWA Spa Manager (Cloud Control & Direct Local TCP)

These two Hubitat applications allow one to connect to a network connected spa, which is equipped with a Balboa Water Group 50350-07 WI-FI Module with 7ft interface cable for BP Systems.

Integrate your spa Balboa BP Control System WiFi Module to the Hubitat environment with the following features:

  1. View real-time temperature
  2. Set spa's clock time to the same as the Hubitat Hub.
  3. Set heatingSetPoint temperature
  4. Turn on/off lights and pumps
  5. Set & automate High/Low & Rest/Ready modes to reduce energy usage
  6. Control spa using Hubitat's Rules/WebCore

Choose from one type connection below for spa control:

1. Cloud Control App & Drivers (Legacy)

  • The Hubitat Hub indirectly connects to the Control System WiFi Module via the internet BWA Cloud Server.
    • The BWA Cloud server often loses connection to the Control System WiFi Module which makes this app unreliable,
  • Requires Spa Control - BWA mobile app for spa configuration and access.
    • Download app from Apple/Goggle app stores and create a username and password.
    • Install app/drivers using HPM.

2. Direct Local TCP Drivers (New)

  • The Hubitat Hub connects directly to the Spa Control System WiFi Module via the home network.
  • Since the Hubitat Hub creates a raw TCP socket directly to the Spa Control System WiFi Module, this parent driver provides a fast & robust connection.
  • The Spa's WiFi module must be on the same network as Hubitat hub.
  • Requires Spa Control - BWA mobile app for spa network configuration and access.
    • Download app from Apple/Goggle app stores and create a username and password.
    • Install parent driver using HPM.
  • Creates several child device virtual switches to refresh spa status & control the spa's pumps, lights, heat mode (Ready/Rest) and heat range (high/low).

Version Notes on Github

Connection Type Version Release Date
Cloud Version 2.02 Mar-11-2025
Local Version 0.03 Mar-13-2025
Please be advised that this latest release with all these new features may introduce some unwanted bugs that hopefully we can identify and work to correct. Each spa has a different configuration (e.g., pumps, lights, blowers, misters, etc) and therefore I can only test on my BullFrog A7L model. If your current release of BWA Spa Manager is working and you are completely satisfied, I would suggest you not overwrite your working release, and install this on a separate hub (if you have multiple hubs).

New 'BWA Spa Manager - Local' Version Announcement

  • A new Spa Manager App - Local installation starter app is now part of the application suite to help users with the initial install the required drivers below.
  • The new app will also assist {optionally} to rename the spa's parent driver.
  • Spa parent device child switches are automatically created when the app is first installed.

HPM Install/Upgrade FAQs:

New Installs:

  • Install via HPM are highly recommended. Search for BWA Spa Manager and select the BWA Spa Manager - Local App version.

Previous Versions of this App:

  • If you try to upgrade a previous version via HPM and notice that your hub has multiple versions of the device drivers or libraries listed below, use HPM to uninstall the app.
  • If HPM displays an error with removing this app, use HPM's 'Package Manager Settings' option and then select ' Un-Match a Package to make HPM remove any of it's cached information of the previous versions of this app.
  • Check the hub's drivers code and library code views for residual files listed below, If they exists, manually delete ALL/ANY of the application's drivers, app and libraries files that might still be installed. This will allow HPM to install as a fresh new install.
  • Perform a new install via HPM. Search for BWA Spa Manager and select the Local version to install. HPM will automatically launch the Application and create the required spa control devices.

'BWA Spa Manager - Local' TCP Control Application Files

Filename Type Version
BWA Spa Manager App - Local.groovy App Version 0.0.4
Balboa Hot Tub Local Driver.groovy Parent Device Driver Version 0.0.4
Balboa Hot Tub Local Child Switch.groovy Child Device Driver Version 0.0.4
Balboa-Hot-Tub-API-Library.groovy App Library Version 0.0.4
SanderSoft-Library.groovy Main Library Version 0.0.5

BWA Spa Manager - Local Application Installation Screen

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