[Release] Magic Home Wifi (Drivers) + MagicHome Manager (App)

Is it possible for the controller to maintain two TCP links? One to Hubitat... the other to an RPi or Arduino sending data at higher rate? Maybe the Hubitat infrastructure is simply used to turn the data link from RPi/Arduino on and off... so one could use Dashboard, etc. to activate the camera functions?

Sure --- I've got a few APIs written in my Github (some seem to have found their way into other HA platforms) that could be used for this. A person would just need to parse RGB/Music data to be pushed through from here. It'd probably be easier to use an inexpensive Android phone permanently on to push data constantly to the lights, and use HE to turn them on/off, though.

Interesting. I'd be willing to work on a prototype to feed the RGB (and possibly music) data so we can test. Can you point me to the specifics on how this data needs to be formatted, and how to interface it with the API?

I've been using your driver for quite some time! Works great but for whatever reason after multiple updates to the Hubitat platform it stopped working. I checked this topic and found I was on v0.88 so I updated to v0.89. Still didn't solve my connectivity issues. Checked logs and found CronExpression errors on 522 & 549.

2020-08-16 02:47:44.036 pm errorjava.lang.RuntimeException: CronExpression '0/60 * * * * ? *' is invalid. on line 549 (initialize)
2020-08-16 02:32:04.435 pm errorjava.lang.RuntimeException: CronExpression '0/60 * * * * ? *' is invalid. on line 522 (initialize)

For anyone looking for a quick fix replace line 522 in the driver code with:
schedule("0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *", connectDevice, [data: [firstRun: false]])
and line 549 with:
schedule("0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *", refresh)
This should set the refresh time to 60 seconds which is the default anyways.

Thanks again for all your work and really this driver is amazing. Cheers!

Interesting. I thought I’d fixed that bug—CRON only allows 0-59 values, so your error comes from 0/60.

To fix it, you could also just set your refresh to anything but 60.

Ahh ok that makes sense haha. Thanks again for the great driver! Looking forward to your new features in the future.

The driver doesn't support Magic Home's digital addressable RGB controller yet right? Is it going to available soon? I'm planning to go for the digital strip but if it doesn't work with HE yet, I might just wait for that. Cheers!

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I’ve written a driver—it’s not public yet, though. I can send a copy to you, if you’d like.

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Absolutely! Let me grab a set from a shop and test it. Is it the WiFi SP108E Controller I supposed? Thank you.

Hm. I don’t think that device uses the MagicHome app. Something like this one does:


Ah yes. Glad that you confirmed it first. Thanks!

I am using driver version 0.89 for an older Flux bulb that I have. It seems to function just fine but my logs are littered with errors without me even trying to use the bulb. Is this ok? I'm new to Hubitat so I'm not sure if it's causing any performance issues with my hub.

Here is an example:

It should be okay to run, but your bulb seems to be responding with a non-conforming packet from what I’d expect.

Just to confirm, you’re running the RGBW bulb driver with that device?

I know I’ve neglected these drivers: they’re still on my radar, though, with updates on the horizon.

Yeah. It's the RGB + WW/CW CCT Driver. No worries about updating the drivers. I appreciate the fact that there is one to begin with. Thank you!

Which Flux bulb do you have? I didn’t know they made one with a warm and old color channel.

I got THIS a back in 2016 as a deal for $5.50. It looks like it supports WW/CW from the 4th screenshot down.

The app also has this:

I use the warm white on a wake up schedule in the bedroom. Whether or not it has a seperate channel or not, that I really don't know. Do you think I'm using the wrong driver?

What light strip can I use with this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DYNMSWS/ref=crt_ewc_title_srh_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=A1MYM04AB1SA5T
Amazon isn't being too helpful...

Will any 3528 5050 light strip work?

Nope. You’ll need a WS2811, 2812 or similar :slight_smile:

I have a driver written that I’ll be running through final tests this week.

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Bought them tonight. No pressure on that driver. :crazy_face:

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