[RELEASE] Lidl Smart Home Drivers with Device Health Status

Found this no-name two-channel no-neutral switch module on eBay before Christmas. Turns out it's a Tuya. :slight_smile:

IKEA Repeater for scale, this thing is tiny, with a removable clip and a capacitor in the box to mitigate flicker if necessary. Very nice. Smaller than the Samotech modules I normally use. I've ended up with this because Samotech don't do a two-channel no-neutral and it's brilliant.

I'll make a driver up for it when I get chance, shouldn't be a big job. Don't think it works as a repeater, but it's solid state while Samotech use physical relays.

NOTE: If you are using the driver from this Lidl set to control this switch module, please take a look at the dedicated Tuya driver instead.