[RELEASE] HubiThings Replica

Beta Code Release 1.2.10 posted.

  • Update to object command to support color bulbs. Thanks to @djgutheinz for the patch!

How to update:
Load HubiThings Replica first:

Load HubiThings OAuth next (not required if you have 1.2.09):

@djgutheinz Replica Device Handler Repo:
Location: https://github.com/DaveGut/HubitatActive/tree/master/HubiThingsReplica%20Drivers

He has designed some amazing color bulb device handlers with more 'HubiThings' to come.


@bradford.clarke There are the drivers you needed!


For the device code of hubitat, do you mean the drivers section? Because in devices section I only have the option to add new device in list or by brand… just wanted to be sure that its not in virtual device or something!


Good catch. That line of the instructions probably should say "Drivers Code" instead of Device Code. Hope that helps.


Another thing, how do we know if some new drivers are added or have new version?

In theory once it is added to HPM it will notify you. It will be intersting wrangling the drivers together for it though.


I'm just starting out on this and cannot seem to get past this step. I get this message when clicking on the link:


Bad Request
invalid_request : Invalid query parameter value for state

※ IAMUSSauseast1_1673201600501_99999-5542522526.999

Also, what is "PAT"?

I'm really just trying to set this up so I can use SmartThings app in my phone as the presence sensor because the HE presence sensor doesn't work. (Even though it should and nobody seems to be able to figure out why it doesn't.)

A PAT is a Personal Access Token. PATs are required to access the SmartThingss API, which this integration requires. I"m not sure why that link isn't working at the moment, but you can get one by following this link;

Hey @bthrock thanks for this. It was enough to get me un-stuck. I managed to fumble my way through getting my "SmartThings iPhone" added into HE and it was available to update my rules. So with any luck next time I leave the house ST will trigger the HE rule. And hopefully when I return (within 30 minutes of sunset) another HE rule will trigger.

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OK, next question: Does anyone know of any replica drivers for a Samsung SmartTV?

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One is forthcoming.

There is a community driver already that provides you with local control augmented by SmartThings.


Fixed. Not sure what happened there. But thank you for flagging it.

I could not find it.


I copy the code to app for the main app and the Oauth app and I have enabled Oauth... then I have install the user app and give the ST key in the settings... But I cannot select any devices from ST to miror (empty list). I must forgot something... any idea? Thanks!

Be sure you enabled OAuth on the OAuth App code you installed, not the main app.

Your next step is to click on "Authorize SmartThings Devices : Create OAuth Application," as at the bottom of this image


On the next window, click "Done"

Now Click on the Child App you just created


and follow the prompts to Create API and when successful you will be able to pick ST devices to mirror.


thanks, it was exactly that! :slight_smile:

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Working on the replica version with one major problem. The tv has several capabilities that are duplicated as custom (with different data definitions for the exact same attribute). I then receive two attribute updates, and one does not work with the rest of the system.

Is there a way to define a default device description that is not over-ridden by the app? Then I could delete the duplicate components. This would be similar to how rules are handled.


Ugh, had similar with commands (alarm, switch both have 'off' for example) but haven't tackled attributes.

Can you send me the example 'attribute' to look at in Samsung TV?

For commands, I was able to match 'capability+command' and present both when building rules. Hopefully can do the same for attributes.

Command example:
