[RELEASE] HubiThings Replica

Okay, I tried leaving the level blank but it still passes a zero. I've tried all 3 rule apps and they all include both colorTemp (or color) and include the level in the rule by default.

Should I be looking to do this with WebCore or something like Node Red?

Alright, I finally found I could use a custom action in RM to set colorTemp independently on a dimmer. Would be good if “bulb” would be added to the list of capabilities under custom actions, in RM, just to narrow the devices to bulbs alone.

I have updated the drivers for ReplicaColorBulb and ReplicaCTBulb as follows:

  • Removed UI restriction on entering level and transitino time.
  • setColorTemperature method
    • Accept level and transition time. Level defaults to the current value, transition time to null (read as zero).
    • After setting color temperature, execute setLevel method with the level and transition time.

THIS IS NOT TESTED. But very simple and should work. Please advise if working.

Forgive me if I missed the point here. It sometimes takes me a while to get my head around this stuff. Was this change supposed to allow take the rule's setLevel as a null value? I guess I don't understand how transition time is a factor.

The rule (Basic or RM) for setting "Dimmers and Bulbs" is passing parameters to Bulb Temperature/Bulb Color and Bulb Level, and I don't see where transition is affected (but again, I probably don't understand well enough).

The RM rule for Custom Action does not have a device capability for Bulb, so Dimmer or Switch must be used, and then a single parameter can be set. I was simply saying that having the custom capability of "Bulb" would narrow device selection. A task for the RM dev.

What I think would be helpful is if your driver could use the Basic Rule of device type Color Temp Bulb/Color Bulb and not pass a value if the Bulb Level field is null. That would keep from having to build the more extensive RM custom rule.

I have a refrigerator and I'm able to see it as Hubitat device but can't figure out how to get temperature information out?

First I created freezer, then cooler and then tested "main". I thought that some of those devices allows me to use temperature information but did not.

What do I have to do here or am I doing completely wrong things?

Edit: should add two devices cooler and freezer. Then choose multipurpose sensor for those and thats it.

Can you see actual temperature in the ST Advance webtool? I have a Samsung fridge using Dave's driver and it shows/allows adjustments to temp (and contact sensors), but doesn't show the actual temperature of the fridge. Really was a disappointment.

I was just wondering is the "temperature" the desired temperature or the real temperature.

"temperature" = 4c

That seems to be real temperature but I'm wondering why is the desired temperature empty.

actually I opened next log page and it says:

So basically at 8.27 temperature was set to 4c and at 8.33 temperature was 4c. It might be that temperature is not the real temperature..

Acually I do not understand the logic of the device and the driver.
I have a one refrigerator with cooler and freezer part. Don't know if that is right term to use but you english speaking guys get it.
As i open cooler door samsung app says door is open and when I close it that's closed then.
In smartthings I get two log lines, main and cooler but they are only reporting "closed".

And what is main? Cooler I understand.

In Hubitat cooler door open / closed are normal:

So first weird thing is that all states are not updating in Samsung side but in Hubitat they are.. and all information is coming through Samsung..

Then the freezer part. Samsung app sees temperature and door open/close status. But nothing on the Samsung Advanced log side and nothing on Hubitat too. Freezer temperature is reported to Samsung and from there to Hubitat.

So I get cooler door open/close status, cooler temperature, freezer temperature but that's all.

Are we supposed to get get cooler and freezer door status and temperature information to Hubitat or is this just how it is and we have to live with it. I wonder if the Home Assistant can get the information right. I have to test that next.

Main, Cooler, Freezer are all SmartThings "Component IDs". ST uses these to allow for duplicate capabilities (like a couple of switches) to exist with the same device. Hubitat doesn't have this concept and divides up between devices to accomplish the same task.

The ST Advance webtool is not dynamic, so to see the event you need to refresh and look at the event section. If they are not showing an event...which probably not, it is a ST website problem.

HubiThings and Dave's driver can only report on what SmartThings allows us to see. Not sure HA can do any better, but it is always another option to try. Maybe report back what you find?

Thanks for the clarification. So that is the reason why I need both cooler and freezer devices in Hubitat. ST Advance webtool doesn't show "open" in attribute log just "closed".

But there is a different section "event log" which shows all open and closed status.

Actually now that I'm trying to understand which capabilities cooler/freezer has there is no capability to show door status for the freezer door :smiley: Is that a design mistake or are they just thinking that cooler is used more often so we can just provide the door status from that door and freezer is not needed. Sometimes I just do not understand..

Anyway if I got it right we should be interested of all the "capabilities" WITH A VALUE shown in ST Advanced because these capabilities could probably be used with HubiThings?

Cooler shows:

Freezer shows:

..but it doesn't show for example "contact" capability so once again I do not understand the logic of ST.

At the moment I'm seeing cooler door status and temperature and that temperature should be actual temperature. At least when I change the temperature setting in cooler it reports old temperature for a while until it goes to new temperature. I assume that temperature information should be delivered at the same time as door status open/close is delivered and that looks like it really is the actual temperature that reports to Hubitat.
I just need to forget that freezer door status cannot be tracked. Maybe I install z wave open/close sensor to freezer door like I did with the old refrigerator.


You helpe in the past and hoping you can help again. My Range/Oven. You got the drivers for the oven done with the dual capacity working. But i just discovered in smarthings that my Range is also tracked if its on or off.

Could you build a driver for it. Maybe it helps others. And then it coulr be Stove ad the parent with Oven and oven capacity and range as the child devices?

The plan was to set it up so if were not home and one of them is on we get an alert. Or if it had been left on for a long period of time. Like an hour or something. Could help prevent a possible house fire.

What can

I will look at it; however, no guarantees. I am having to pull-back to some health issues (I am 75).


Totally understand. Health comes first. I hope you feel better. And thanks again for your help with the previous drivers.

No new Driver needed!
I hope you have not started to look at it you. I got digging into the code and notice you already have it in there "cooktopOperatingState" variable. Never noticed it before. but I found it after playing around with the code you did and trying to add something that was there. took me until today to see it was there. DUH. So it gives Ready if all burners are off and on if any are on, I could not see in the capabilities that it pushes through what one is on, I know the app shows it, but in reality the driver does not need it. Letting me know one is on is enough.

Thanks for being so thorough when you made it. Thanks again.


Has anyone been able to use Hubithings to replicate Samsung Smarttags in Hubitat? I played around with the button device type, but it doesn't seem to replicate any info.

This topic has been discussed in both forums and I haven't seen anyone have success pulling data from Smarttags. So your results are similar. Probably a security thing... :frowning:

@Bloodtick_Jones , I want to mirror my color bulbs from Hubitat to Smartthings. But there is no color light option in mirror devices.
am I missing something ?

If you merely want to turn the bulbs on and off in SmartThings, the simplest solution is to mirror them to a virtual switch.

If you want more complete control, you can use Todd Austin's vEdge creator to create a virtual RGBW bulb in SmartThings. Subscribe to the virtual device in Hubitat Replica, mirror the devices, and create the rules that you need.

Color bulbs are fairly noisy devices, emitting multiple events with every minor color adjustment. On occasion, as all those interrelated events bounce back and forth between SmartThings and HubiThings Replica, your bulbs may do something that you don't expect. If you have issues, limit the rules you create to as few as possible based on your needs and try disabling periodic refreshes. You may have to experiment a little.

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Well, I don't use a ST hub. So I am not able to use vEdge creator. When I try to enroll, it says "user does not have any hubs"
Can't we add a color dimmable bulb to HubiThings Replica's virtual device creator ?

In fact, I don't usually use ST , and control everything from Hubitat app but I started using Samsung's Smarttag and it is not replicable to Hubitat and I want to control some of my color bulbs with Smarttags.
My color bulbs are Philips Hue bulbs, and normally even without a ST hub I should be able to connect my Hue account to ST cloud but there is a problem that I am not able to solve. When I try to add SmartThings-Philips Hue integration , it reports "a network or server error occured. Please try again later"

HubiThings Replica uses the SmartThings API to create virtual devices and as far as I know no RGBW virtual device is available within the API at this time. (@Bloodtick_Jones will surely correct me If I'm mistaken on that). Perhaps someone else will jump in with a workable solution.