[RELEASE] HubiThings Replica

Just bought a 2x4 Led light panel for my pool table.. Really nice light and priced right.

I am able to control it through the SmartThings app.
Trying to figure out if there is a way to add it to Hubitat.
I looked around the Replica app to see their is a way I'm not finding it.


The device is probably a Color-Temperature Bulb (description "tunable-White".

See this link:


hi guys and thank you @Bloodtick_Jones for the driver. So I have a samsung air conditioner which I connected to Hubitat via hubithings replica app. However when I tried integrating that AC into the Homekit with the homekit app, it shows up as an incompatible device. Is there a workaround for this?

Hubitat is very strict on what it allows to integrate in the Beta solution as described here. The Replica (or any community) drivers will not work.

You probably could toy with some of the native Hubitat Virtual Drivers and build limited functionality. The HomeBridge solution could be another direction.

Thank you! But I understand I need an apple hub in order to run homebridge, right? Otherwise I cant seem to find a QR code to scan from that homebridge app.

I am not running HomeKit or HomeBridge so this question would be better in the Hubitat HomeBridge Topic.

A quick primer is HomeKit is a Framework and runs on an Apple device (AppleTV for example) and vendors need to be Apple authorized (Hubitat for example) to play nice with that framework. Hubitat is currently in Beta attempting direct integration permission.

The HomeBridge solution runs on a device like a Raspberry Pi and is a 'workaround' to that integration authorization permission. The Hubitat HomeBridge application connects Hubitat to HomeBridge.

It is messy...and probably one of the very few reasons that Matter makes any sense.

I am an Apple household and workaround all the HomeKit stuff with SharpTools to build custom dashboards to integrate directly to both SmartThings and Hubitat and prevent all the hops.


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Hi - first of all wanted to thank everyone for the great app. I'm a former SmartThings user who finally made the move to HE. Very happy so far. I have been using Hubithings Replica for a few months to integrate my HE with a Brilliant Tech controller, through SmartThings. Quite a bit of work but worth it given ease of use of the Brilliant control panel.

I'm having two issues I'd like to get this group's view on:

  1. seem to be getting random triggering of all lights in the house, at seemingly random times.
  • After closer review of the past logs it seems to coincide with a set of logs stating "Hubithings Replica 'Device ABC' cannot find 'replica' setting cache to ignore."

  • This happens for many, if not all of the devices connected to the HE. Later, it states that "Hubithings Replica received 'Device ABC' status trigger:level >command:setLevel:x. Later a command to turn on is sent

  1. the other issue is related to a Yale lock. Sometimes, not always, unlocking manually from the inside, the system seems to want to unlock again, and you can hear the gears attempting to unlock but unable to move the lock, since it's already unlocked.

Appreciate any guidance anyone can provide since other than this, the integration is working great!

thanks in advance

Are you using the Replica Drivers or using a mirroring function with a Virtual Driver? The Replica App will refresh all device settings every 3 hours to ensure concurrency. Often times a virtual driver will reflect back and could exhibit random (3 hours) trouble. You can 'similuate this condition' with the refresh button on the main UI.

In the rules section, you can ignore the refresh by updating the rule using the 'Disable periodic device refresh' button as shown here which should add the 'caution' icon as shown:

Same question/guidance for the lock.

thanks for the quick reply. I believe I had created virtual ST devices and then linked them with the actual physical device through the replica app. I'm realizing that I may have done extra work since the app allows you to create a ST virtual device based on the HE physical, is that correct?

As a result of creating rules individually I only created the most basic rules (on/off/dimmer if applicable), so no health status, or other for locks.
wondering if I'm better off deleting the virtual ST devices and starting from the beginning.
thank you again

For a virtual ST switch/dimmer the 'new' virtual dimmer solution in Replica would be better. And you don't need to use 3rd party virtual solutions since this uses the native ST solution.

For the virtual ST lock...honestly don't know the best direction and probably trial and error. The way locks work between ST and HE is dissimilar and problematic. There is a lot of logic with the ST Physical -> HE Virtual in the Replica driver to make that work. Doing the HE Physical -> ST Virtual will not be as robust.

Got it. Went ahead and deleted the virtual dimmers I had created and used the replica method, as you suggested. Have only done a few to test, but so far it seems to work perfectly well.

With respect to the lock, I have three and only one acts strange. Will delete and try again.

Thank you!

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Before I go to deep down the rabbit hole..

Turns out this device is a BlueTooth device.

Does Repica support devices connected to the ST App that are connected via BT.

If you can you see the device in the HubiThings OAuth device subscription picker, then it should be supported (only exception known are the Samsung Tags which have no data). If the device is not in the list, then sorry it isn't supported.

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New release Replica 1.3.10 supporting the SmartThings Virtual Lock and all ST Virtual devices will be updated with default values upon creation. Updates to 'Replica Location Knob' with more AQI information, Level fix in 'Replica Fan Control'. Minor static updates to several other drivers.

Install instructions here with HPM updated to match.

Replica 1.3.10:

  • SmartThings Virtual Lock support
  • SmartThings Virtual devices updated to default values on creation

Replica Location Knob 1.3.3:

  • AQI information


Please see here for new @djgutheinz device handlers and information. These are available in HPM for installation and updates.


Finally got around to adding my Samsung fridge. Thank you very much. :slight_smile:



New release Replica 1.3.11 supporting the SmartThings Virtual Devices API allowing user to build their own ST Virtual devices (see examples below). Expanded UI support editing rules using buttons to enable/disable logging & periodic refresh.

Install instructions here with HPM updated to match.

Replica 1.3.11:

  • Support for building your own Virtual Devices
  • Mute logs/Disable periodic refresh buttons on rules.
  • Updated to support schema.oneOf.type drivers (support for Samsung Microwave)

Replica Switch 1.3.1:

  • Auto off functionality

Replica Location Knob 1.3.4:

  • Weather Icon updates


Please see here for new @djgutheinz device handlers and information. These are available in HPM for installation and updates.


Replica Configuration (Example 1):

SmartThings Virtual Device custom:

Replica Configuration (Example 2):

SmartThings Virtual Device custom:


I want to thank you for creating such an awesome app to make the transition from Smarthings to Hubitat that much easier. I've been able to replicate most of my z-wave and zigbee devices without issue. The only problem I'm having is with my light sensors. I have a Xiaomi Mijia Smart Home Light Sensor. It works fine in SmartThings, but I can't seem to find a corresponding Replica driver for light sensor.

I'm using the Replica Multipurpose sensor, but it doesnt show the 'illuminance' property in WebCore. Is there an available Replica light sensor that will expose this property? Thank you.

Send me the JSON structures inside your current Replica driver. I can see what properties are missing. Please post them like this:

Please remind me how do I update a Microwave driver?
I tried all possible options via HPM. Everything was somewhat updated (I hope, it did not brake)
except for the Microwave driver.

Thanks. Here is the driver summary information for Replica Multipurpose Sensor (from 'Driver's Code' in Hubitat portal):

Replica Multipurpose Sensor
AccelerationSensor, Actuator, Battery, Configuration, ContactSensor, Refresh, TemperatureMeasurement, ThreeAxis
2023-07-09 2:08:40am EDT


capabilities: {"components":[{"attributes":{"illuminance":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"unit":{"default":"lux","enum":["lux"],"type":"string"},"value":{"maximum":100000,"minimum":0,"type":"number"}},"required":["value"],"type":"object"}}},"commands":{},"ephemeral":false,"id":"illuminanceMeasurement","name":"Illuminance Measurement","status":"live","version":1},{"attributes":{"battery":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"unit":{"default":"%","enum":["%"],"type":"string"},"value":{"maximum":100,"minimum":0,"type":"integer"}},"required":["value"],"title":"IntegerPercent","type":"object"}}},"commands":{},"ephemeral":false,"id":"battery","name":"Battery","status":"live","version":1},{"attributes":{"availableVersion":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"currentVersion":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateStatus":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"enum":["updateSucceeded","updateFailed"],"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateStatusReason":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"lastUpdateTime":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"pattern":"^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$","title":"Iso8601Date","type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}},"state":{"enumCommands":[],"schema":{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"enum":["normalOperation","updateInProgress","insufficientStorage"],"type":"string"}},"required":[],"type":"object"}}},"commands":{"checkForFirmwareUpdate":{"arguments":[],"name":"checkForFirmwareUpdate"},"updateFirmware":{"arguments":[],"name":"updateFirmware"}},"ephemeral":false,"id":"firmwareUpdate","name":"Firmware Update","status":"live","version":1}]}

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