[RELEASE] Hubitat Event Data Collector


A friend asked if it was possible to collect device states and capture them into a database. I said "I don't know, let me check." and then a few days later this small project was born.

Project Scope

  • Via the Maker API, collect events emitted from Hubitat and store into a PostgreSQL Database.

  • Allow application to run in Docker for ease of setup.

GitHub Repository


GitHub issues Docker Pulls Automated Build

Small NodeJS project to listen for Hubitat Maker API POST events and capture them to a PostgreSQL database.

Try it Now with Docker

If you don't care about local development and just want to run it, see the example below.


  1. Docker Installed
  2. PostgreSQL Installed somewhere (physical host, VM, Docker, whatever) with a new DB created (i.e. hubitat)
  3. events table created in PostgreSQL DB. Create statement for your convenience:
name varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL, value varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL, displayName varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL,
deviceId varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL, descriptionText varchar( 255 ), unit varchar( 255 ), type varchar( 255 ), 
data varchar( 255 ), timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW());


docker run --rm -ti \
  -e PGHOST=yourpostgreshost -e PGUSER=postgres -e PGPASSWORD=YourPassword \
  -e PGDATABASE=hubitat -e PGPORT=5432 -p 3000:3000 entmike/hubitat-datacollector
  1. In Hubitat, add a Maker API App (if you haven't already.)
  2. In your Maker API App settings, set the 'URL to send device events to by POST' property to the URL of your Docker Container (i.e. http://mydockerhost:3000 or, etc.)
  3. Trigger or wait for an event from one of your devices enabled in your Maker API to fire.
  4. In psql or whatever PostgreSQL client you use, connect to the database and look at the events table for updates.

Local Development

Read this section if you are a developer wanting to tinker with the code in this repository locally on your machine. Prerequisties for this example are to have NodeJS and Docker installed.

Set Up a Local Postgres DB Container

Local DB Setup

The following steps demonstrate how to start up a new PostgreSQL DB in a Docker container:

  1. Spin up a PostgreSQL Database using Docker:
docker run -d --name=hubitat-postgres \
  -v /mnt/user/appdata/hubitat-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ 
 -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=YourPassword postgres
  1. Create a hubitat DB in the container:
docker exec --user postgres hubitat-postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE hubitat;"
  1. Create events Table
docker exec --user postgres hubitat-postgres psql hubitat -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS events (name varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL, value varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL, displayName varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL, deviceId varchar ( 255 ) NOT NULL, descriptionText varchar( 255 ), unit varchar( 255 ), type varchar( 255 ), data varchar( 255 ), timestamp TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW());"

Initial Setup

  1. Clone this Git Repository
git clone https://github.com/entmike/hubitat-datacollector.git
  1. Install required npm modules
npm i
  1. Maintain your .env file

In the root of your cloned repository, create a filed called .env with the following values


Run Local

npm run debug

Building your own Docker Image:

docker build --build-arg CACHE_DATE="$(date)" -t your/dockertag .

Running your Docker Image as Container:

docker run --rm -ti \
  -e PGHOST=yourpostgreshost -e PGUSER=postgres -e PGPASSWORD=YourPassword \
  -e PGDATABASE=hubitat -e PGPORT=5432 -p 3000:3000 your/dockertag

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