[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

That's the first time I've heard this request so hopefully I didn't just miss it in a post above. Is the idea to prevent an intruder from disabling your alarm(s) which might be triggered while the hub is in Away mode or HSM 'activated'? Would you also need a PIN to enable HSM/Away mode too?

There's several other UI tweaks I'd like to make for HSM/Mode as well and I'll add this one in there too.

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Yes, that's exactly it. There are options for both HSM and Mode status in the built-in dashboard.

While I'm at it, I think the representation of the Modes available in AT more "iconic" than the list that comes up in the Hubitat dashboard:

This looks very cool. One thing I can't find, maybe I'm blind, is an option to create multiple dasboards and create tiles that allow you to move between them as you can w/the stock HE Dashboards.

Is that available in this app?

I haven't used the HE dashboard much (maybe I should since I also didn't know about the PIN protection for changing modes). I'm thinking you can do this by creating folders in the app and moving devices to the folders. When you click on a folder, you get a new 'dashboard view' of just the devices in that folder.

Unless you're talking about creating completely different views of the same set of devices.. now that I think of it that's probably what you're asking about. I'm not sure how that would work actually.. I suppose once I get the export/import done for configuration it could be possible to switch between different config files (ie: same set of devices, just a totally different look/view for them)

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agreed! I always wanted to show a better list of modes or HSM states (ie: icons) but also wanted to get the feature in first and then work on the UI. The hardest part of some of these features has been finding really good/consistent/free icons to use.. the ones in your screenshot look good - if you can find free versions somewhere point me to them. I've been using iconsdb.com but it's not easy to find stuff there.

just a quick update.. I haven't had much time to work on this the last week or 2 but I'm still making progress! I've also got a pretty large TODO list that I'm always adding to - right now the next few things I plan to do are:

  1. export/import configuration
  2. improve folder view
  3. add PIN code for HSM/Mode changes

I'm also adding small fixes while I go - like increasing the font size of the temperature tile


How about user contributed icons? I just made these so no copyright concerns here!
ArmedAway ArmedHome ArmedHomeAlt ArmNight Disarmed


The two yellow ones are alternatives for "Armed Home" (I prefer the first because it doesn't duplicate the house icon)
Red is "Armed Away"
Blue is "Armed Night"
Green is "Disarmed"


That would be one way of doing it. The built in one has an option for link tiles, either going to a URL or another dashboard. Actually if you had the ability to specify a tile to monitor, for example, a switch, it would show the switch status but also function as a link to another dashboard. Imagine you had a dozen contact sensors in your house, you could write an automation to turn on a virtual switch if any of the sensors tripped. The tile could monitor the status of that switch. Then if you click on that tile it takes you to another dashboard which displays all 12 sensors so you can see which one was tripped. This was actually a requested feature for AT which has never been implemented (don't know about Sharptools). Hope that made some sense?

Awesome App. I just finished reading the whole thread and have a few observations/questions.

I have 5-button Pico remotes. The attributes in the tile show 5 buttons, but as indicated by your design, only 1-4 show on the tile. This doesn't allow use of the bottom button (generally OFF) as used in Hubitat (different from Lutron).


Love the Action Jackson theme. However, if I try to change anything on a single tile, it kills the whole theme on everything else. Is this by design? I just want to change the background color on a few unique tile devices.

I'm using the Dark Sky Weather app/device and it doesn't show up. The only weather tile I can add is OpenWeather if it's enabled in Maker. If I unselect it and select Dark Sky, nothing.

Hmm.. 4 buttons was the most I could fit on a single tile but even then I figured the buttons wouldn't be too easy to touch individual in a tile. I bet I could use a wide tile though. I could also use a popup that would have more room to fit 5 buttons.

if I try to change anything on a single tile, it kills the whole theme on everything else

That's a bug! I noticed it yesterday and fixed it. I was going to push the fix with the import/export changes but instead I'll push them today.

I'm using the Dark Sky Weather app/device

I didn't even know there was another weather device on the Hub. I can look for it and try it out.

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version 1.0.370

  • fix bug when changing background of a device
  • use larger text for text-only devices like temp/humidity/time
  • fix back button / action bar issue when editing

Can the text size be made adjustable on the Time/Date icon? Right now the time is about half the width of my tile. It would also be nice to be able to tweak the time/date fonts separately. Perhaps with an option to stretch the time font 10-50% vertically to make it even more visible. An option to remove the "Date / Time" text would also be good (or, IMHO, just remove it). Some people might also like a military time or an AM/PM indicator.

Btw: the lock fix really isn't working out. Mine toggles after pressing it, but can sometimes immediately toggle back again after a second or two (up to about 8 seconds later). Then it toggles back to what it should toggle to. Rather distracting and hard to explain to people. It would be better to just have an adjustable (advanced tile setting) to change the confirmation time. In other words, toggle immediately, then check that it worked after ## seconds; then and only then possibly toggle back. This might be useful for the garage door as well.

Loving the progress!

Here's how it's supposed to look

The text part of this is supposed to auto-size the text to fit the width. But, in reality it's been tricky to get this working 100%. I made a small change and pushed it just now so hopefully that will fix what you're seeing.

Some people might also like a military time or an AM/PM indicator

You can enter any date format you'd like. I give some common choices but the Custom.. box here accepts anything.

The only reason I defaulted it to just the time and no AM/PM is to make the text as large as possible. I can put the entire date/time in the status line so it would still be there - just much smaller.

On a related note, there's probably some better 'date/time' fonts which are taller. I can try making the font an option in a future version.

Mine toggles after pressing it, but can sometimes immediately toggle back again after a second or two (up to about 8 seconds later). Then it toggles back to what it should toggle to.

Is this in cloud mode or just local network? I think the only way this would happen is if - after you send the command to lock - the hub sends out a push update that has the state = 'unlocked'. Then, a little later it sends another update with the state = 'locked'. This doesn't happen on any of my locks but I know every device is different. If you are able to send a device log after reproducing this I should at least be able to verify that's what's happening.

What's the chance of getting tall tiles for something like this?

I noticed the text on the tile for the Virtual Thermostat (Carrier Infiniti - read only) shows multiple ghost text images if I resize tiles. I have to close and reopen the app to clear it up.

As a former Wink user, I appreciate very much this effort.

weird.. i'll figure it out and get it fixed!

What's the chance of getting tall tiles

Are you looking for a larger tile than the 1x2 one in the screenshot (cols/rows)?

version 1.0.383 (beta)

  • add export/import configuration option
  • fix bug when changing icon color (keep current theme for all other tiles)
  • minor other changes/fixes

The biggest change here is export/import. It's in the nav menu -> more options dialog. You can export the file to several places - I've been testing saving to Google Drive (you'll likely need the Google Drive app installed for this option to show up).

If anyone wants to edit this file I can try to help. First off it's JSON so before trying to import it back please validate it using a site like this one. Here's a few tips:

  • anything that has "Color" in the name should be in HEX. There's lots of online sites to find these values like this one.
  • anything that has an empty value (ie: "") is basically the same as 'not set'.. I'm only exporting these empty values so you can see what keys you can edit
  • not all settings are obeyed.. like the 'isWide' setting. That's for the wide tiles - but I've only implemented a wide UI for thermostats and images to-date.
  • device 'label' is to make it easy to identify each device but it can't be used to change the device title for tiles. There's no way today to override a device label/name
  • "sortOrder" is only used when the sort option is 'custom'.
  • URL fields like "onIconUrl" can be an image URL. Leave it empty ("") to use a solid color (from the theme, or a custom color if set)

1 thing you can do by editing this file that you can't do in the UI yet is to put the same device in multiple folders.

I tried testing this several different ways but of course this one is a lot more complicated than a typical feature.

On another note, I added the full date/time in the tile status as well

I'm setting this up on an old tablet for my family to use. Perfect, and thanks for making the app compatible w/older Android OS versions, very helpful!

Just wanted to second/third the requests for adjustable fonts for the device names, ideally be able to scale up the font size of the device names and scale down the size of the icons to accomodate the larger text.

Also, for dual-use devices, especially like Temp/Humidity devices, allow display that shows temp and humidity in the same font, either stacked one of top of the other or side-by-side maybe with a slash or pipe divider in-between.

Lastly, for folder organization, it would be great to have a way to select devices from a list and then choose which folder you want them in. Drag-n-Drop is great for one or two items, but not as usable to move a bunch of devices around.

Note: I've requested to join the beta to see if I can edit the JSON file to set folders for the apps. But I think it would still be great to have folder settings as a UI option in the app.

Excellent app, thanks!

I exported, edited, and imported the file, but my dashboard doesn't appear to be taking the changes. Tried FC on the app and re-opening, and it still shows the old config.

I tested the file in the JSON tester and it was OK'd.

This is the change I made, moving a bunch of tiles into a folder that had just a few items to start:

            "attributes": {
                "folderNumItems": "17",
                "folderItems": "[\"1348\",\"1283\",\"1284\",\"42\",\"43\",\"45\",\"46\",\"47\",\"48\",\"50\",\"51\",\"52\",\"53\",\"54\",\"55\",\"56\",\"57\"]"

Not sure what I'm doing wrong here. :slight_smile: