Hubigraphs 4.8 (The Final Chapter)

Which Hubigraph are you using?

Ah, from the Parent App, did you choose "Create New Line Graph (Deprecated)"? Hubigraph has gotten kinda big with support for alot of things. If so, try selecting "Create New Time Graph". That is the one that everyone is posting pictures of.... It also supports ALOT more mixed graph styles than line.

Got it; Timelines are a little tricky. The main thing that stops you are the threshold values:

Some are auto filled (motion, etc)

Illuminance needs a threshold. Below is an example of setting the threshold for illuminance.. Was this the issue?

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What do the logs say? Steps 1-3 should show the error in the log.

Sounds like something changed in either your devices reporting or you just got out of a "bad" state...

I’m getting HPM errors when I try to upgrade from 4.0. HPM shows the target as 4.25, so I presume that’s correct. I’ve copied the log below—any ideas?


app:30202020-11-29 11:08:44.117 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:44.003 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.856 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.725 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.591 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.452 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.296 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.177 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:43.045 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.901 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.742 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.513 pm errorError upgrading app: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.334 pm infoFatal error occurred, rolling back

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.329 pm errorError upgrading driver Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.228 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Tile Device

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:42.227 pm errorError retrieving driver source: Server Error

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:37.321 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Weather Tile 2

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:36.132 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Radar Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:34.304 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Forecast Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:32.207 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Weather Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:29.909 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Heat Map

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:25.050 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Time Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:22.583 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Bar Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:19.659 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Range Bar

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:16.840 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Time Line

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:13.771 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Gauge

app:30202020-11-29 11:08:02.543 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraph Line Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:54.930 pm infoUpgrading Hubigraphs

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:54.678 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph OpenWeather Device

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:54.469 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Tile Device

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:54.162 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Weather Tile 2

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:53.818 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Radar Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:53.551 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Forecast Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:53.294 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Weather Tile

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:53.047 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Heat Map

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:52.794 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Time Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:52.498 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Bar Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:52.193 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Range Bar

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:51.962 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Time Line

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:51.650 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Gauge

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:51.380 pm infoDownloading Hubigraph Line Graph

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:51.087 pm infoDownloading Hubigraphs

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:50.817 pm infoDownloading

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:50.543 pm infoDownloading

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:50.270 pm infoDownloading

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:50.026 pm infoDownloading

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:49.428 pm debugPerforming update

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:46.574 pm debugprefPkgVerifyUpdates

app:30202020-11-29 11:07:44.224 pm debugUpdates available

app:30202020-11-29 11:03:33.474 pm debugUpdates available

app:30202020-11-29 10:57:13.128 pm debugUpdates available

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:59.607 pm debugUpdates available

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:57.564 pm infoChecking for updates for At Home Simulator

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:57.313 pm infoChecking for updates for iPhone WiFi Presence Sensor

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:57.119 pm infoChecking for updates for Z-Wave Firmware Updater

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:56.942 pm infoChecking for updates for Device Check Plus

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:56.811 pm infoChecking for updates for Follow Me

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:56.676 pm infoChecking for updates for BI Control

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:56.434 pm infoChecking for updates for Life360 with States

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:56.187 pm infoChecking for updates for Hubitat-BetterLaundryMonitor

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.991 pm infoChecking for updates for Hubitat Package Manager

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.737 pm infoChecking for updates for Reliable Locks

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.547 pm infoChecking for updates for Weather Driver

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.545 pm debugUpdates found package for -> null (force production: true)

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.541 pm debugUpdates found for package

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.259 pm infoChecking for updates for HubiGraphs

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:55.074 pm infoChecking for updates for Package Explorer

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:54.974 pm infoChecking for updates for Life360 Tracker

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:54.837 pm infoChecking for updates for Hub Watchdog

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:54.642 pm infoChecking for updates for HTTP Presence Sensor

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:54.437 pm infoChecking for updates for Device Watchdog

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:54.181 pm infoChecking for updates for Log Watchdog

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:53.945 pm infoChecking for updates for Inovelli Drivers (Gen 2)

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:53.708 pm infoChecking for updates for Lockdown

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:53.528 pm infoChecking for updates for HubConnect_v2_UnversalDrivers

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:53.223 pm infoChecking for updates for Tile Master

app:30202020-11-29 10:55:52.984 pm debugUpdate chosen

app:30202020-11-29 10:54:16.646 pm debugRefreshing repository list

Anyone else with the > 1024 error ? I'm getting this error and my tile is displaying weather from the first day I set up the app. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the weather child apps with no change.
2020-12-01 04:20:05.410 pm warnExcluded attribute current_weather size of attribute > 1024 characters

I get the same >1024 error, but haven't noticed any ill effects.

Sometimes this error is seen; I have not seen it affect anything. If it does please let me know!

I posted this because my weather tile is not providing current weather. I'm not concerned with meaningless error messages. This is two day old info that does not update.

@thomas.c.howard, any idea about HPM error a couple messages up in the thread?

Yes; your best bet is to do a repair on HubiGraph through HPM

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Ok; I’ll take a look. This is cause by the weather data being greater than 1024 characters. You must have a lot of weather activity... I will need to do some refactoring...

That did the trick, tyvm

I'm getting this error thrown roughly every 2 seconds. Repair of the app through HPM had no impact. Uninstalling fails "Fatal Error occurs" on the OpenWeather device and attempts to roll back, which hangs indefinitely. Had to manually delete the child device, then manually deleted the device driver and app code (dunno if I had to do it all manually, but once I got the driver removed, I just blew it all away).

Hmmm... I wonder why. I am sorry for the experience; give me a day or two and I’ll get a fix

Some more context, not sure if it's helpful: I was seeing the "Excluded attribute current_weather size..." warn message infrequently prior to upgrading the hub to After the upgrade, that's when it went to 2 seconds. Prior to moving to, I cannot remember if I had rebooted the hub after installing hubigraphs (upgrading actually... been installed for some time but I hadn't been playing with it recently, definitely not since the weather related additions).

Apologies for the lack of specifics, my toddler eats up all my spare time these days, rather than tinkering with home automation. Love the tool though!

I had a similar experience. I was seeing the message periodically but then it went to every 2 seconds. I’m still running version

This seems to be a combination of two things:

  1. There is an attribute size limit. I was “cheating” and storing the response from OpenWeather as a string for use by WeatherTiles later. It looks like with winter upon us there are some places that are breaking the limit.

  2. It seems in the latest firmware, having this occur (see #1) behaves differently.

I will be working a fix; could be a quick fix... or not... stay tuned.

@Charli3_Tang0, @nibyak , @bbrannon, @scotte

I have updated the build to 4.30. It includes a paradigm that stores the weather data in state as opposed as an attribute. This should fix the < 1024 issue that you have been seeing. Please give it a try and let me know if it fixes the issues.