[Release] HubDuino v1.1.9 - Hubitat to Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ThingShield Integration (ST_Anything)

That is a well known dashboard issue. It happens with lots of devices like my sengled zigbee bulbs.

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I don't suppose there is an equally well known work-around...? :thinking:

No workaround that I know other than reload the dashboard in the browser. I'm guessing most people don't set colors from the dashboard often enough to care. I know I don't use dashboards for anything but status checking - If I need to control something I use the device page

I do too, but the device page isn't typically useable by my wife/kids ... they use the dashboard, so I'll have to look into it a bit harder, I guess.

I absolutely love Hubduino!

Has anyone found a board that has an external (uFL) antenna?

I've tried the Adafruit feather M0 wifi which has a uFL antenna connector but it goes offline after a couple days. It uses the WiFi101 library and I've seen a few posts where others find it unreliable even with the upgraded firmware.

I need the external antenna because my controller is in a metal electrical box in a greenhouse.

Thank you!

Perhaps something like this?


I have not used this particular board, so YMMV.

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I have completed the requested changes to the HubDuino/ST_Anything IS_Button device. It now sends 'held' events once the 'held timeout' is exceeded, even if the button is still being held.

I have also added 'released' events, should anyone want to use that functionality.

You'll need to update code on both the Arduino and Hubitat sides. For the Arduino, please grab the latest versions of IS_Button.h and IS_Button.cpp. On the Hubitat side, please upgrade your copy of the "HubDuino Parent Ethernet" driver (or "HubDuino Parent ThingShield" if you're using an old ThingShield.)

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.


Thanks, it works as expected.

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Any problems with recent platform updates? My beloved 8266 door buzzer device has worked consistently for a long long time but recently has started losing contact with hubitat until I reboot the hub. Going through my router logs, it doesn't seem it's losing contact with my network (which is OP for the space) but is still dropping on hubitat "no host to device" in logs. I certainly haven't updated the 8266 in ages, but have kept up to date with HE platform updates, so wonder if the problem might be on that end?

No issues whatsoever here. There was some work done on the ST_Anything libraries a while back to try and improve the reliability of maintaining a connection with the hub. It may be worth updating your Arduino libraries with the latest version in my GitHub repo and then rebuilding and deploying your sketch to the ESP8266.

Hmm, would this predate hubduinos existence? I'd say I rebuilt the sketch about a year ago maybe, using the hubduino files. We're their updates since then? Wonder what it could be.

Any changes to your home's WiFi or networking over the past few months? Just a guess. I looked back and has been ~15 months since anything specific to the ESP8266 communications library was changed. It is possible that the ESP8266 Board Manager for the Arduino IDE has been upgraded significantly since then. Grabbing the latest ST_Anything/HubDuino code, along with a recent Arduino IDE + Board manager for the ESP8266 might be worth the effort.

Not sure if this is currently beyond me, but I was wondering if this could be used with a nodeMCu to create an ac dimmer? I'd like to snip the dumb dimmer knob from the power chord of a salt lamp, and control it with HA.

I would recommend against using HubDuino to attempt to make a DIY AC dimmer. Why not just get a Smart Outlet and plug the salt lamp into it? There are some models that support dimming.

Purely a cost consideration. =p

One dimmer outlet comes in around the £20-30 mark. Nodemcu's are pennies, and I've got loads of them.

But I'll take it that you have a good reason for not persuing this. Cheers for the swift reply. =)

Yep, safety is always my number 1 priority. I prefer using UL/CE rated devices for 120-240VAC applications. Building a safe dimmer is not necessarily a trivial endeavor. Simple on/off control with a dry contact relay is much simpler. :wink:

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Hi @ogiewon and other members. I come from ST and using ST_Anything. I have uploaded a new software with the Hubitat setup to my ESP8266 based DHT22 and all things look ok on that front. I've installed three drivers (humidity, temp and generic). I must be missing something big but how do you add the device? If I add a humidity virtual device, there is no place to put the IP & such. If I do a LAN discovery, nothing shows up.

I see instructions for the Ethernet based and the ThingShield based stuff but nothing for the ESP8266 stuff. What am I overlooking?

WiFi = Wireless Ethernet

Just follow the HubDuino instructions for Ethernet when using an ESP8266 device.

Duh, I knew I was overlooking something, thank you @ogiewon. Thanks again for your work on this. I see you've recently added those NEORING support, I'll be looking at that next.

The NeoPixel support was added by others in the ST/Hubitat communities. I have not tried it at all...:wink: