[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

Is this still the right place to discuss hub connect 2.0? And more importantly, is this no longer being developed?
I am finding the bulbs I have through hub connect do not work correctly in new rule manager 5 rules so this app appears to be out of date.

I think you are right in that HubConnect is no longer being developed. What are you trying to do with it? Is your use between two HE's or between HE and Smartthings?

I think the reason they may not be working is because of a change that occured with the drivers for dimmer type devices. You may want to make sure you have the latest drivers for Hubconnect.

HubConnect has no active ToDo list. That's not the same as no longer being developed.

Hub Mesh took all the wind from the HubConnect sails related to Hubitat hub to Hubitat hub. On the other hand, HubConnect is still working for ST <--> Hubitat.

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Is hub mesh only for hubitat? I am using HubConnect to connect to smartthings for a few Lightify and Ikea zigbee bulbs that haven't died yet. HubConnect has the same problem as some of the other custom drivers in that setColorTemperature is broken with new rules in hubitat.

Do note that even if you get HubConnect working now, the future of the SmartThings side of things is quite unclear--or rather quite clear, just with nebulous timing, as it will stop working whenever it is that Samsung decides to shut down the "classic" Groovy IDE, which has been in the works for years now. I believe it does still work, but I haven't used it in a couple years at least. (Someone could theoretically re-write this for their new API, but I wouldn't count on it...)

But in the meantime, I agree with the above--your issue is likely related to the updated color temperature capability commands in Hubitat, the same issue you found with community drivers and Rule/Button Rule 5.x. For the most part, HubConnect just passes commands and parameters as-is between Hubitat and ST since the device model is so similar. If you use the new multi-parameter setColorTemperature() command, this will fail on the SmartThings side. Options to fix it include modifying the real ST DTH, if this is a SmartThings device shared to Hubitat, to accept the multi-parameter version; modifying HubConnect to intercept and "translate" this command specifically into separate commands on the ST side if needed (separate setColorTemperature() and setLevel() calls, ultimately); or using custom actions in your Rule apps on Hubitat to call setColorTemperature() manually with just one parameter, rather than relying on the built-in rule actions that may use the multi-parameter variety.

Sorry if I offended. I thought with Steve heading to a new platform this app was basically in a use as is state. As far as I know, no one has chosen to pick up the reigns yet. You are doing a great job keeping it going @csteele though.

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Awesome, thank you for all that explanation. I was trying to figure out how smartthings received the commands. Didn't occur to me it was just straight from hubitat.

I was able to modify the "HubConnect RGBW Bulb" driver on the hubitat side to split out to a separate setLevel() and now it works, for the most part.

I guess I should plan to remove smartthings once and for all (Only started using it again because of the availability of hubconnect and the issues I seemed to be having with these particular bulbs), or maybe finally retire these bulbs. Is a second hubitat hub recommended? I might just go that route.

@csteele ...I agree with @mavrrick58 that you are doing a great job keeping it going.

I have a dedicated C7 hub running Envisalink for my Vista 20 alarm panel. The native Envisalink uses telnet and is very chatty....therefore the dedicated hub. I could have used a Raspberry Pi but it was easier for me to set up a dedicated hub. The dedicated hub is linked to my main C7 via HubConnect. It works because HubConnect allows me to synchronize HSM between the 2 hubs. Not sure if Hub Mesh will do this.

So thank you @csteele for keeping HubConnect working!

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I keep it working mostly by NOT touching it :smiley: :smiley:


There are new things like this (which talks to the cloud API, not the local API):

Here's the HubConnect Remote API documentation:


Shouldn't be hard to find testers when you've got the code ready :smiley:

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I have installed HUBConnect v 2.0 in my HPM; Is this a different build than I have?

How do I migrate this from one to the other?

What is the future of this now ST is getting rid of Goovy? Sorry for all the questions.

It's just an alternate method of installing. Result is the same.. the code that is needed land in the correct spots (Apps Code or Driver Code)

v2.0 is exactly the same as v2.0Beta2 with every file touched to remove the Beta aspect.

The question of ST and the future.. has been answered several times in this topic.

There is no future as far as I can tell. :slight_smile: If/when ST pulls the Groovy IDE, that impact will be what ST dictates. Will pulling the IDE be a "can't make changes" but it will continue to work? And if so, how long?

All of that are ST questions and I have no insight.


Thank you! Sorry for the ST Question. it was muddled in with some other stuff. Thank you very much. Sorry for the questions again.

Is there a way to have Life360 presence sensors linked in smartthings?

I have a few devices that won't show in smartthings for some reason. I was able to create virtual devices for some of them and then link the status to the actual hubitat device.

I'm just mirroring devices from hubitat to smartthings since that is the app my wife already knows.

Something to be aware of if you think about using Hubconnect to interface with Smartthings.


The end is near.

This has been a slow death.


With the long delayed announcement looks like will have to switch our dish washer to power monitoring. And add a contact sensor to our fridge.

Or just one of the two options to poll the Smartthings API. You can use Node-Red or thr specialized driver that does polling.

@maverik which specialized driver do you mean? Can you also use it for a Samsung washer to get the current status? The other possibility would be the power monitoring as mentioned by @markbellkosel84 .