[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

newb here. I have been lurking the forum for a while though-this thread being a major one.
I am a fairly extensive ST user. I currently have 10 locations on ST(ranges from about 8 to 12 at a given time) My personal home, then my office location are the primary ones- then various Airbnb locations that we own or manage.
All of the Airbnb locations are 100% z-wave devices and I have been very pleased with Smartthings for this application.
The reason I have been lurking here with Hubitat is that my personal home(and to a lesser extent, my office) have many devices connected-several that run on custom device handlers that I would like to get off the cloud and run locally. Recent ST changes and uncertainty of their direction has had me considering other directions.

I do have certain cloud integrated things with ST that I am unsure could exist on Hubitat but perhaps HubConnect could bridge these- a couple that come to mind are our Neato Connect vacuums and our Sleep Number beds. Can I still keep these integrations in ST and access them via Hubitat with HubConnect?


I feel bad about a one word answer, but the only other thing I can say is, Welcome :smiley:


Everything is there and has been working perfectly for many months... About three hours after I posted this, it went back to green online... I did nothing... But its been going back and forth since... I'm sure it is something screwy on the ST side, but just wondering if anyone else was experiencing and/or knows why its happening.

Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 7.10.05 AM Screen Shot 2020-10-30 at 7.10.28 AM

I have two sets of HubConnect, Production and Development. Both have a ST connection, one i hubless, one has a hub. I haven't seen the problem but I simply do not use ST. I have it, twice, for YOU.. so I can provide some support... but this is one of the ways I can't.. to answer if it's up all the time. I only ever look when someone says something, as you did yesterday, and now. Both times mine looked as it does now.

Looking at logs, past logs, the ST connection only goes back to midnight.. but it's a repeating pattern of this:

app:8 2020-10-30 07:14:30.944 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:13:30.670 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:12:30.772 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:11:31.153 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:10:38.018 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:29.564 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:07.119 am trace Waiting for http callback response from SmartThings hub... 1/40
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:06.278 am trace Sending httpGet [/device/17/event/%7B%22name%22%3A%22humidity%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2232%22%2C%22unit%22%3A%22%22%2C%22displayName%22%3A%22Aeon+Multisensor+6%22%2C%22data%22%3Anull%7D]to SmartThings hub ...
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:06.276 am debug Sending event to SmartThings: Aeon Multisensor 6 [humidity: 32 ]
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:06.258 am trace Sending httpGet [/device/17/event/%7B%22name%22%3A%22temperature%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2273.3%22%2C%22unit%22%3A%22F%22%2C%22displayName%22%3A%22Aeon+Multisensor+6%22%2C%22data%22%3Anull%7D]to SmartThings hub ...
app:8 2020-10-30 07:09:06.256 am debug Sending event to SmartThings: Aeon Multisensor 6 [temperature: 73.3 F]
app:8 2020-10-30 07:08:30.893 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:07:31.054 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:06:33.557 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:05:30.538 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:29.519 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:08.996 am trace Waiting for http callback response from SmartThings hub... 4/40
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:08.468 am trace Waiting for http callback response from SmartThings hub... 3/40
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:07.944 am trace Waiting for http callback response from SmartThings hub... 2/40
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:07.438 am trace Waiting for http callback response from SmartThings hub... 1/40
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:06.611 am trace Sending httpGet [/device/17/event/%7B%22name%22%3A%22temperature%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2273.4%22%2C%22unit%22%3A%22F%22%2C%22displayName%22%3A%22Aeon+Multisensor+6%22%2C%22data%22%3Anull%7D]to SmartThings hub ...
app:8 2020-10-30 07:04:06.609 am debug Sending event to SmartThings: Aeon Multisensor 6 [temperature: 73.4 F]
app:8 2020-10-30 07:03:31.055 am trace Received ping from SmartThings.

Looking forward to forging ahead. Am I correct in understanding that to upgrade from 1.6.4 to 2.0 all that is required is to overwrite the apps and drivers? (The HubConnect.to site is a bit vague :slight_smile:)

Yes, overwrite is the basic plan. :slight_smile:

somewhere i'm missing a step ...i screwed it all up the other day so started from scratch ..the hub is connected , i have devices selected, i have the handlers installed but the devices won't come over to smart things

Got the apps installed on the smartthings remote hub? You mentioned the device handlers but nothing about the app piece.


i am connected just nothing is moving over

Thanks @lewis.heidrick it just hit me today that you meant the actual insteon connect app on smartthings...everythings working good again!!

I'm trying to reduce event-spamming in my environment because I'm getting the dreaded "Event Queue Full Error" on my main server hub. So, naturally, I started by looking at my handful of power devices (3 Aeon HEM v1's and a handful of pocket sockets). What I noticed right away surprised me.

On my physical HEM device, I have them set to high event reporting thresholds (only fire event if watts change by 50W or 25%, for example), so modest number of events there. Good. But when I look at the shadow device on the server hub, it is logging events every 30 seconds. Is this a Hubconnect thing? Even if the physical device doesn't change, the shadow still tries to update? And, if so, could that be contributing to the Event Queue Full error I'm getting?

Appreciate any guidance from folks who know more than I do!

Thanks... Its been up for most of the time recently but just showed down again a few minutes ago... Then back to up and connected... Weird... Might be an issue on my side with the ST hub... I'm watching another thread working on adding Samsung TV's... Maybe I can get rid of ST soon... :slight_smile:

My guess is no. I saw this with some of my SmartThings outlets (on a different HE hub) when looking at the logs of the HubConnect proxy server. I was seeing several updates per second. I ended up resetting the outlets with the Zigbee-generic device toolbox driver and switching back to the generic outlet driver and hitting configure to solve it. It wasn't something I would have been aware of if I didn't see the updates being sent through the proxy server, as there wasn't anything visible in the logs (probably was in the zigbee log though).

@csteele, would it be possible to add the "configure" button to the HubConnect drivers. I know that I could add it manually but it would be nice to have in the official driver so that the setting would not be lost with future updates. There is on occasion need (for me anyway) to have that control in a rule. I am looking to keep all my rules on the server hub. Thanks.

I’m having this same issue. I’ve installed all the drivers on both ends and I am able to share devices from SmartThings to Hubitat but not the other way around. This guy fixed his issue by nuking the whole setup and reinstalling so I tried that... 3 times... and I can still only share devices from ST to Hubitat but not the other way around. I’ve installed the required Universal Arrival Sensor driver on the ST DTE page and both smart app sides say they are Online. Any ideas? Should I nuke my whole ST hub? I fee like this hub has been giving me issues for the last 6 months or so anyways... hence the move to Hubitat (which I’m loving). But... there are still some practical uses for keeping my ST hub up and running if I can and sharing Hubitat devices over to it like their integration as a Harmony device for one.

When trying to set the fan mode in Thermostat Scheduler in 2.2.4 with HubConnect drivers loaded, it won't accept the change and defaults back to Click to set. Using the normal "Total Comfort API C" drivers it works. If the Thermostat Scheduler was created before 2.2.4 it accepts changes fine. Testing with @bravenel showed it to be an issue with the HubConnect Thermostat driver.


Actually, I don't know why it did that. That driver is very odd with the Fan Modes in double quotes. That may be part of the problem, not sure. Whoever takes care of that driver should remove the quotes.

I'll let them know. Well nm it's already in this thread so there.

Thanks for the reply and the welcome! One word answer appears to be all that was needed :grinning: - Just seemed too good to be true! :wink: