[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

v2 beta team....

Beta 5 is just around the corner... I've been gathering all of your feedback, even if I haven't personally responded to every ticket. There's a crap-ton of bug fixes coming in b5 and some improvements in the hub connection process as well.

Keep an eye out for the e-mail!


Thank you for all your hard work!


Thank you @csteele!
This was a great description and I have deleted everything (links to each hub and such), and started over to make sure I didn't miss a step and that everything was oAuth (I think it wasn't before).
I will run with it and see if it does as I expect with the minimal rules I have need of presently.

If I use the Groups and Scenes app, will they too cary over to the "App Server" or would you recommend grouping them on that server (if that is even possible).

Also, I was not aware of that page you linked me to. It is bookmarked now!

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Thanks @csteele. I will wait to get the original pair working properly before adding more complexity.

Attention beta team... HubConnect 2.0 Beta 5 has been released!

Please check your e-mail or see the release announcement for details.


@srwhite @csteele

I'm using HubConnect 1.6.4. How do I share a device like the dual-relay below so that the following four commands appear in the HubConnect device?

On1, Off1, On2, Off2

You have made it so easy to create custom drivers. I got this working in 10 minutes.

Many thanks for HubConnect!


Glad you got it working. I'm finally getting on here today to catch up.. I'm assuming you just set up a custom driver and wrote a short stub driver for this?


Yup exactly correct. You've made this way easier than I thought it would be. Thanks again!


Can someone please help me figure out how to send devices from HE to ST? I'm migrating from ST and was really hoping this would make the process go a little smoother but I just cannot find an option to send devices from my HE server to the ST hub. I see the option in ST to send to HE but that's not what I want. From the description it seems like this should be possible. I have everything set up properly to the best of my knowledge with 0Auth enabled and no errors in the logs. Even a screenshot of the option to do this within HE would be really helpful.

Here you go

And here is the link to the step by step videos created by @csteele http://hubconnect.hubitatcommunity.com/

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So is it the manage custom drivers option? When I click that I get an option to Add Driver. I was expecting it to show me a list of my devices to send to the client. What do I put for attribute class name?

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No, it’s the Connect a Hub tab. You probably should watch the videos linked in my last post.



Click here and select the devices in the various categories. When you click out the devices get automatically defined in your remote hub. Make sure you have the stub drivers installed on the remote hub first though.


I don't see this option anywhere.

In the installation video he clicks on "connect a hub" then it shows an option to "connect to client hub." I only see an option to "connect to remote hub." I guess I must have missed a step somewhere. I'll watch the videos again and maybe start over.

HubConnect is a highly symmetrical product and Selecting devices is the same from either end, the difference is in the 'eye of the beholder' so to speak. Only you know if a device is on a Hubitat and needs to be sent to ST, in which case, yes, you use the Server Instance for the connection to find the "Connect local devices to Remote Hub" button. Only you know if a device is on ST and needs to be sent to Hubitat, in which case, you will find the "Connect local devices to Server" button. They lead to identical menus, because of identical code shared between "Server Instance" and "Remote Client."

:28 seconds into this video is where the Connect Local.. is shown:


Are you able to post screenshots?

I just tried sending a few screenshots but I guess my account is too new for that or something.

Did you follow all of these steps on the Hubitat hub?

Then, did you add the device virtual drivers for ST and HE for any devices you will share between them?
Then, most importantly, did you create the ST hub connection after clicking the "HubConnect Server for Hubitat" app on the apps page, clicking "Connect a Hub" and copy the connection key to the HubConnect app in the SmartThings Classic app?

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I was able to get it working by entering a new connection key. After doing that I finally saw the option to connect local devices to remote hub. It said it was connected the first time so I'm not sure why I had to do that but I'm just glad it works now.

Thanks everyone for being super helpful. Amazing community so far! :smile:


Glad to here! BTW, welcome to the community! You will appreciate HubConnect 2 (which is in beta currently) when it comes out. Most of these processes are much easier and more reliable. I still keep my ST hub for cloud based apps like Echo Speaks (if you have Alexa devices you can link them from ST to HE through HubConnect) and as a pretty reliable presence sensor that I sync to Hubitat.
Also, only select devices in the tab that you expect them to work as; dimmer in dimmers, switches in switches, etc.