[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver

Given that all of your node values are coming across with that error you may need to look at your Config node or your MakerAPI setup. What baffles me is that all of the data elements look correct.

Yep, something is definitely not right. I would suggest that you change to using the event socket flow. You'll need to add the node-red-contrib-filter palette to node red. With the event socket flow you will see the attributes from all of your devices.

Finally fixed it. I used one of the function nodes that @JasonJoel showed me to use between the device and the influxdb node that sorts the data before going into influxdb.

Good News = No more errors
Bad News = Is now that the data is filtered differently I have to re-configure all of my grafana charts.

Thanks for the help all.

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Side note, noobie question what does "JVM" memory stand for or mean?

I presume it stands for Java Virtual Machine

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Jamaican Vampire Monster


Bingo. Basically the memory region that all of your apps run in, you run out of it the hub can still function but your apps (including rules) can’t run.


Too bad, I kinda liked this one


Version 2.0.0 is now out. As this driver has gotten bigger and is now making more calls to the hub than was originally envisioned, I've gone back and added options for you to select the pollable data data that is returned.

After updating please go back to the driver and verify that all of the attributes you want are selected.


Are you sure this was pushed correctly in the HPM manifest? It’s been 2 hours, the update doesn’t show. Even tried Repair, still at 1.9.2.

Edit: but the code installed by the repair is 2.0.0.

Same here.

Try it now. I have two copies of the manifest running due to some re-org'ing I did a while back, One was correct, the other, well.... Sorry about that.

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Yep, that did it.

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Same here. :grinning:

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Hi @thebearmay,

Any chance you could extract the Zigbee channel from the data attribute into it's own attribute, perhaps even included on the tile? No probs if you can't or don't have time, etc, not an urgent thing, just would be nice to see if I can map our the different channels being used across the house for my Zigbee hubs and Wi-fi network.


I’ll look at it today, shouldn’t take long.


V2.2.0 is out there now - adds zigbeeChannel attribute and associated entry into the HTML table


Do you need Node-Red to run this driver and get the information?

No need for Node-Red, The data becomes available to RM, webCoRE, and any app that pulls it in as a device upon instantiation.


V 2.2.1 is out for anyone going to hub version 2.2.7.x