[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver v3

Got it. Couldn't follow the reboot() action -- now see it as an actuator. Thanks for quick response.

Have been running multiple C-7s for several years and just now getting frequent low memory warnings. Guess I need to be proactive and reboot on a weekly basis, or upon low freeMemory.

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I have been using Hub Information Driver for quite some time and it is very helpful.
However, today I have noticed that one of my hubs stopped creating HTML files.

I have rebooted, Repaired HPM and enable/disable feature, but I still get the null value.

This is what I'm getting from the log files

Thank you for your help and creating this great driver.

Check the File Manager and make sure that the file you selected for HTML template is there. If it isn't, the normal default is at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thebearmay/hubitat/main/hubInfoTemplate.res


I just checked the HTML file and the res file are both there. Should I delete one of them and allow it to recreate the HTML?

@thebearmay Thank you for your help. The res file was corrupted. I wrote it with your link uploaded and everything looks good now. Thank you.


C8 version

@thebearmay - I've just noticed that the free memory has stopped updating on my Hub Info Driver Device. It was working previously. Both the html and the current states are showing 328380KB, however the actual value from http://hub_IP/hub/advanced/freeOSMemoryHistory is 285916 (looking at that page it hasn't been 328000 for some days).

Is there anything I can check? Free Memory Polling is set to Queue 1 and Queue 1 poll time is 5 minutes. In the 'events' tab if I go back I'm seeing plenty of 'lastPoll' messages for 'poll2' and 'poll3' but nothing for 'poll1'. In the image below the error shown regarding 'invalid data' corresponds with the startup after updating from to Could that update have broken anything? Thanks

Check to see if there is a scheduled job at the bottom of the driver for poll1, if not click the Refresh button and see if it kicks it back off.

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I never thought to look there - it was listed as status pending but with no 'next run time':

However after clicking the refresh button it's scheduled it:

I'll make a point to check that table after next reboot or update. Thanks.

Never seen that happen before, but good to hear it's working again.

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Could the invalid data warning stop the rescheduling of the poll somehow? From the log screenshot? (Like @johnwill1 asked about)

If it gets to the point that it's created the scheduled job entry it's already past the warning message. Not sure how you create a scheduled job without a date/time, almost like it stared to fire and got hung up.

I briefly thought the "memory leak" was resolved and it was going to stay above 300000 permanently :rofl:

True, it is strange

Just in case the time stamps help @thebearmay - the below shows the error was first, followed by system start 12 secs later, then Hub info initialised 7 seconds later:

OK, I must be blind or stupid (more likely the latter). I've looked through everything and can't find how to do this.

I'm trying to use it in a rule machine rule for my UPS monitoring (NUT) to shut down the hub on low battery.

Close up:

And you're not stupid at all. It's not exactly intuitive!

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Assuming you can get your battery level to use as a trigger your action would look something like this:

Thanks, the actuator is what I wasn't finding.

I'm mimicking @jtp10181 awesome rule and not good with RM. I have a few that I'm still trying to figure out and this was one of them.

Coming late to this party. Is there a workflow that takes all the data collected here and sends it to a grafana dashboard via influxdb? I have seen mention of nodered etc. but will like to get a birdseye view of what that workflow will look like. Data from here - > node red -> influx -> grafana? Any custom scripts in the middle?

Perhaps this is also not the possible but is prometheus a possibility in this scenario? Just poking around to see whats possible. Thxx